Office Hours: Beta Testing Open Textbooks (Oct. 25, 4 p.m. EST)

Open Textbook Network & Rebus Community Host Office Hours
Beta Testing Open Textbooks
Oct. 25, 4 p.m. EST

Update: You can view the video for this Office Hours webinar at

Or, read a recap or the transcript here.

Guest Speakers: Michael Laughy, Assistant Professor of Classics, Washington & Lee University; Dianna Fisher, Director of Open Oregon State; Elizabeth Mays, Rebus & Arizona State University; and others TBD

The ability to beta-test open textbooks with students and faculty in order to improve them quickly and repeatedly based on feedback, is one of open textbooks’ competitive advantages. What are the logistics of beta-testing an open textbook? Is the process different depending on whether the testing happens in the author’s or a colleague’s classroom? When and how can publishers of OER market a new work to benefit from beta testers? What are the best mechanisms for collecting and integrating feedback? How do you decide which suggestions should be implemented, and when?

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