Office Hours: Horror Stories of OER (October 31, 11 a.m PST / 2 p.m EST)

When: Wednesday, October 31, 2018, 2 p.m. EST/ 11 a.m PST
Guest Speaker: You!

Halloween is coming, and to celebrate we’re hosting a special spook-tacular edition of Office Hours. This month, we’ll gather around the proverbial fire and tell our scariest OER horror stories! We want to hear all about the monsters you’ve encountered and (hopefully) how you defeated them! The floor will be open to anyone with a tale to tell, whether you’re haunted by a project that never quite got off the ground, see publisher reps hiding around every corner, or get lost in a house of bureaucratic horrors while trying to secure funding. It can be a long road to success and there are plenty of frights along the way, so let’s share the times when it didn’t go well. That way we can protect ourselves against ghosts, ghouls, and bumps in the night.

Let us know in the RSVP if you have a story to tell, or if you just want to sit in and listen!

Note: To keep things all in good fun, we request you to come prepared to change names/identifying details! This session will not be recorded.

To join the call on the day of, please go to

GIF of dancing person, dressed in full black with a pumpkin on their head


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