Project Archive: Activity Based Learning: Pediatric Nursing Curriculum

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.

Activity Based Learning: Pediatric Nursing Curriculum

Subject: Nursing

Book Language: English

Audience: Pre-licensure nursing students; Pediatric Child Health

Created date: June 9, 2021

Updated date: October 21, 2021

Target Release Date: 2022-06-01


  • Attribution
  • Non-Commercial


  • Adopters
  • Peer Reviewers
  • Accessibility Reviewers


Caring for the pediatric patient is everchanging based on the new research and evidence published everyday. This textbook will be based on current evidence available in caring for the pediatric client and their family. This textbook will focus on student engagement and active learning in the classroom setting that can be applied to the clinical environment.

Short Description:

Caring for the pediatric patient is everchanging based on the new research and evidence published everyday. This textbook will be based on current evidence available in caring for the pediatric client and their family. This textbook will focus on student engagement and active learning in the classroom setting that can be applied to the clinical environment.


Introduction to child health

This chapter includes factors influencing child health; atraumatic care; health assessment of the pediatric patient; caring for children in diverse settings; caring for the child with special needs.

Growth and development of the pediatric client

This chapter includes growth and development of the newborn and infant; toddler; preschool; school-age and adolescent client.

Pain management in the pediatric client

This chapter includes physiology of pain, assessment of the pediatric client with pain, factors influencing pain, acute pain, chronic pain, management and interventions.

Respiratory disorders

This chapter includes anatomy and physiology, assessment of the pediatric client with a respiratory disorder or condition, risk factors, acute disorders, chronic disorders, interventions and treatments.

Cardiovascular disorders

This chapter includes anatomy and physiology, assessment of the pediatric client with a cardiac disorder or condition, risk factors, congenital disorders, acquired disorders, interventions and treatments.


This chapter includes anatomy and physiology, assessment of the pediatric client with a genetic disorder, risk factors, stages of infectious disease, fever, bacterial infections, viral infections, zoonotic infections, parasitic and helminthic infections, interventions and treatments.

Sensory perception disorders

This chapter includes anatomy and physiology, assessment of the pediatric client with an eye or ear disorder or condition, risk factors, eye disorders (infectious or inflammatory disorders, eye injuries, visual disorders), ear disorders (infectious or inflammatory disorders, types of hearing loss), interventions and treatments.
