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Handbook of Learning Design
Subject: Post-secondary Education
Book Language: English
Audience: The list for the intended audience for this publication could include education designers, senior a
Created date: July 3, 2020
Updated date: May 1, 2022
Target Release Date: 2020-11-30
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AR Educational Technology
Anthony Ralston – Educational Design Consultant
Phone: 1 (780) 660-0993
Anthony Ralston is an education design consultant with expertise in the design and development of academic degree programs, capacity building, . His background includes projects requiring the integration of various technological solutions to achieve successful online and blended learning methodologies. He possesses international experience working in diverse cultural contexts for international non-governmental and corporate organizations in the areas of online learning, eLearning development, strategic planning, and capacity building. For the past 10 years, Mr. Ralston has focused his energies on humanitarian aid learning projects with various United Nations agencies in developing online learning and training. This book in based on experiences by the author as an education designer in Canadian post-secondary institutions, United Nations agencies, and international organizations. His experiences in designing and developing academic degrees and training programs covering a range of topics including humanitarian aid, leadership, management, nuclear sciences, medicine, strategic planning for online education, and medical education. He holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Nottingham, UK. a Masters in Professional Education (Flexible, Online Learning) from Deakin University, Australia.
Ralston, A., Hernandez, G., Dyck, M., MacKenzie, M., Quideau, S. (2019) Mobile learning and student engagement in remote field activities.
Fist Monday
Vol. 24, Number 11 November 2019
Jalovcic, D., McCloud-Bondoc, L., Ralston, A. (2014) Leadership strategies in mobile English as a Second Language training. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Education. Vol15, Number 3.
Ralston, A. (2014) Interactive Learning Strategies for Mobile Learning. In Ally, M., Tsinakos, A.(Eds.). Increasing Access Through Mobile Learning. Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning.
Ralston, A. (2014) ePortfolio Development and the Potential Relationship to Learning Theories In Ally, M., Tsinakos, A.(Eds.). International Handbook of eLearning. Toronto: Routledge Press
Ralston, Anthony M., The effectiveness of online and mobile learning for nursing students, Master of Education thesis, School of Education, Deakin University.
Anonson, J., Ralston, A. (2008). Personal Digital Assistants in the Classroom and Beyond. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Management. Volume 22/Number 2.
Brief Description:
In one or two paragraphs, describe the work, its rationale, approach and pedagogy.
The intended focus for this book includes an examination of concepts and practices in design, development, and delivery of education and training programs for both national and international organizations. Examples taken from professional experiences designing global-centred education projects will provide the reader with illustrations of approaches and practical application in learning design. Chapters will include examples of project management approaches for online learning development, eLearning design, curriculum mapping, strategic and operational planning related to online education, train-the-trainer, and techniques for collaborating with international education design teams. The topics included in the chapters will focus on both academic program design as well as organizational training programs.
Outstanding Features:
The main objective of this publication is to serve as a multi-functional text such as a reference text for teaching or training, a teaching resource as part of a course or program, a training guide, and overall contribution to teaching and learning approaches. The publication intends to broaden educational knowledge and practice and therefore contribute to the advancement of social sciences - enhancement of pedagogy in teaching and learning. The goal of the publication would enable education and training professionals to be more critically aware of the preconceptions governing their understanding of approaches to solving challenges associated with education or training delivery. Further, the published book would provide the professional
Short Description:
The intended focus for this book includes an examination of concepts and practices in design, development, and delivery of education and training programs for both national and international organizations. Examples taken from professional experiences designing global-centred education projects will provide the reader with illustrations of approaches and practical application in learning design. Chapters will include examples of project management approaches for online learning development, eLearning design, curriculum mapping, strategic and operational planning related to online education, train-the-trainer, and techniques for collaborating with international education design teams. The topics included in the chapters will focus on both academic program design as well as organizational training programs.
This chapter will introduce the reader to the publication topics, purpose of the publication, and overview of how to use the book. The introduction will also discuss who might benefit from using this publication and contexts. In addition, this chapter will include background and professional experiences of the author, as it relates to education design and working internationally on large-scale projects.
Background and Context
How to use this Book
Educational Leadership in International Settings
This chapter will focus on styles of leadership, leadership theories, and how they can influence educational institutions in terms of strategic planning and operational management.
Leadership Styles (Individual & Teams) Activity
Leadership Matrix for Online Learning (Strategic Planning)
Educational Theories and Practice
This chapter will include discussions on educational theories and their application in teaching and learning programs.
Collaborative Learning
Motivational Learning
Transformational Learning
Case Study: Learning Theories Identification
Workplace Project (or individual project): Learning Theories Analysis
Design Methods and Approaches
The chapter will include
Instructional Design Models
Project Management for Online Learning Design & Development
Framework for Online Degree Courses & Programs
Program Evaluation Strategy
Instructional Design (Models) Reflection
Workplace Project (or individual project): ID Models and Course Development
Curriculum Sequencing – Mapping
This chapter will include an overview of the curriculum mapping process and the Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) model. Discussions on the importance and relevance of mapping a curriculum for training or academic education will underpin the theme of this chapter. In addition, recommendations and approaches for conducting curriculum analysis to this depth will be included in this section.
Overview of Curriculum Mapping
Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) Process
Conducting DACUM Sessions in International Settings
Case Study:
Curriculum Mapping Analysis
Workplace Project (or individual project): Conducting a DACUM Session and Results
Frameworks for Teaching & Learning
This chapter will include discussions on 4 major themes related to teaching and learning – blended learning methods, online education, mobile learning, and eLearning (interactive) design. Each theme in this chapter will be explored using case studies with a particular focus on online learning. The connections between each theme will be discussed as they related to instructional design and developing learning programs.
Blended Learning
Wireless Classrooms
Remote-PC Teaching & Learning
Augmented Reality
Online Teaching and Learning
Approaches and Methods
Technology enhanced teaching & learning
Competency profile for online learning
Teaching through Synchronous Modes
Mobile Learning Methods
Introduction to Mobile Learning
ePortfolio Learning Approach
Interactive eLearning Design and Development
Overview of eLearning
Project Management for eLearning
eLearning Design & Development Approaches
Multimedia, video production for eLearning
Project Management Design Specification Planning document
Workplace Project (or individual project): Design & Development – Blended Learning Module
Training & Capacity Development
This chapter will focus on approaches and methodologies in training and capacity development settings. Topics such as instructional methods, educational technology, measuring performance, and the connection between learning outcomes and learning activities will be included in this section. In addition, instructional models, evaluation of learning, project planning for training programs will be included in this section.
Training Design for International Settings
Training for Diverse Audiences
Training Course Development
Train-the-Trainer Workshop Primer
Training Program Design & Development Planning
Workplace Project (or individual project): Training Program / Train-the-Trainer Program Development
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
This chapter will include an overview of research and knowledge as it relates to the previous chapters on program design and development. The stages of research design and approaches will form the basis for this chapter as a guide for researching learning programs in terms of assessment
Knowledge and Learning
Primer for Education Research
Research Structure
Evaluation of Education
Research Methods and Study Concept
Workplace Project (or individual project): Research Concept & Proposal
Key Strategies for Online Learning Development
Operational Considerations
Internal Capacities/External Capacities
Appendix l - Workbook
Education Research Planning Tool
Strategic and Operational Planning for Online Learning
Outline Design Specification Document
Project Management Specification Document
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• @penny.wheeler
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• @joerdis.weilandt
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• @onyxresearchhub