Project Archive: Not Your Mom’s Handbook on Your Language and Writing

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
Not Your Mom’s Handbook on Your Language and Writing
Subject: Post-secondary Education
Audience: Students enrolled in first-year writing courses in the United States.
Book Cover:
Created date: February 17, 2022
Updated date: June 27, 2022
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Short Description:
This handbook is designed for first-year writing courses but intentionally counters mainstream approaches to college writing. In the short and interactive sections, students engaging this book will learn about what scholars across fields have long shown about the social and racial injustice of assuming that there is one standard variety of language that is superior and preferred
develop their own perspectives on language oppression
develop their own goals for language and writing
practice communicating across languages, contexts, modes, and modalities
practice analyzing texts for how and why language and rhetoric are used in specific ways
practice advocating for the right to their own language
