Thank you for another great session! The work that’s taking place on all 9 projects is very exciting: be it about deciding directions, selecting titles & cover design, writing content, or coordinating the team space. I’m very impressed that we managed to go through so many project updates, the lesson, and questions all while sticking with our 1.5 hour time limit.
As usual, I’ve saved our chat transcript to refer to, and want to highlight some of the links shared:
- Quality Matters
- Example completed project summaries, which I’ve added to our handout:
- Video: Unhideable Edition Of “Whose Boat Is This Boat?” Arrives At Coeur D’Alene Library Some context for this one from @ryanrandall in the chat: For anyone who doesn’t know, the unhideable book’s backstory is that a patron keeps effectively “censoring” books by taking them off the shelves & hiding them elsewhere in the library, so Colbert made 3 foot tall book to call attention to that issue.
There’s also a great conversation about potential titles, covers, platforms, and more in the chat, so take a look.
We also heard some good questions from @wrs15, @jmitchell, and @mfp11, around Pressbooks, accessibility and platforms, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
- Wade, I have confirmed that the users on can in fact add multiple collaborators and admins on their books. Take a look on their website at what’s included for faculty authors, and you can compare with what you have with the Penn State Pressbooks. If you had more questions, I’d suggest getting in touch with their team directly, and let me know if you need their contact information.
- Jess, please keep the questions and comments about this platform coming. Like you said, it’s critical that we have these conversations at the start! We have a dedicated space for feedback — Community and Site Feedback, if you wanted to post there.
- And Michael, your project values statement looks fantastic! What do the others think? I think that this is brief but clear, and something that you can always explain and expand on with your team. We’ll pick up with this next week, and in the meantime, I’ll try to scrounge up any more examples I can find to share with you all.
If there’s anything in particular that anyone wanted me to follow-up and share that I haven’t yet, please respond and let me know. I’ll get right on it!