Welcome to From the Ground Up: An Introduction to North American Archaeology! We are so thrilled be bringing together a diverse and eager group to collaborate on the first open textbook on North American Archaeology.
(If you’re not yet familiar with the project, start by reading the project summary.)
Help Needed:
Currently, we are looking for:
Regional chapter contributors, especially those outside of academia (i.e CRM and museum professionals)
Descendant community collaborators
Chapter reviewers with a depth of knowledge on a region in North America
As the project progresses we will also need help with:
Accessibility checks
Formatting in Pressbooks
Contributing instructor resources
Can you help? Let us know below!
If you are willing to contribute to one of the areas listed above, let us know , giving us a brief bio, an idea of your interests on the project and any questions you might have. We’ll then reach out and make sure you have what you need to get involved!
If you’re interested in the project generally, or still not sure where you’d like to get involved, you can follow the general discussion thread for updates. We’ll keep you posted on how the project progresses and what help we’re looking for at different stage, so you can jump in if and when you like!
Thank you in advance to our wonderful collaborators! We look forward to working with you.
I was a museum anthropologist in two tribal museums in California. I have worked with Native Americans for 30 plus years. I worked in NAGPRA in three institutions for a tribe and with tribes for two public museums. I am now teaching as an adjunct at two universities and one community college. I would be interested to see if this text would develop into something that I could use in lower division introductory classes.
@chinton Hello. Yes, the intent is for this to be an introductory textbook. It sounds like you have some AMAZING experiences to share here. Might you be interested in the California chapter or the concluding chapter on “why the past matters?” Email me (kvkirako@anthro.umass.edu) if you are and I will get you set up to contribute in whatever way you might be interested! ~Katie
I would love to help out with proofreading once the time for that stage of the project comes. I’m an undergraduate student studying archaeology and I have experience proofreading.
@zoe Hi there! I’m interested in helping, but I’m having a hard time figuring out whether this project is still active. I’ve been an archaeologist for a while and currently teach anthropology. My expertise is in Pacific Coast archaeology. Please get in touch with me: kaitlin.hakanson@gmail.com. Thank you!
Hi @kaitlin.hakanson - thanks for getting in touch! I’ll ask the project lead, Katie ( @kvkirako) to chime in and give you an update on where things are and how you can help out. Would be great to have you on board
@alexandracj Hi Alexandra – thanks so much for your interest in this project! @kvkirako is leading the charge on this open textbook, and should be in touch soon with more information on how you can participate.