Logic [ed: Benjamin Martin]

As per the discussion on the logical notation and accessibility thread, I am redoing the logical symbols using LaTeX in this book.

What that has meant is that in the truth tables, e.g., in chapter 3, if I use LaTeX for the top row with the logical notation it turns it into a different font than the rest of the table because the table is styled with a different font than the rest of the text (Lato, I think). So I just changed the font in the cells of the table using CSS (thank you web search for helping me learn how!) so that the tables are now all in the same font as the rest of the chapters (Crimson Text).

The text boxes are still in a different font, which I think it okay because they are a different sort of “thing” than the rest of the chapter. So were the tables but this just looks better I think, than having the header rows in the truth tables be in one font, and the rest of the tables (the T’s and F’s) be in a different font.

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