Office Hours: Faculty Authoring Workshops

Topic: Faculty Authoring Workshops
When: 2021-05-20T18:00:00Z2021-05-20T19:00:00Z
Guests: Abbey Elder @aelder (Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian, Iowa State University), Lauren Ray (Open Education and Psychology Librarian, University of Washington), Marco Seiferle-Valencia (Open Education Librarian & Manager, Gary Strong Curriculum Center, University of Idaho Library), and Eileen Kennedy ( Library Digital Experience Developer, NUI Galway Library)

There are many ways to support authors who are writing open textbooks, including by hosting faculty authoring workshops. As an added benefit, holding workshops can be an effective way to outline deliverables, timelines and otherwise clarify expectations between everyone involved in an OER grant program. In this Office Hours session, we’ll hear from librarians, project managers and others who have created and facilitated workshops for open textbooks authors. Our guests will share how they structure the workshop(s), including whether they are synchronous or asynchronous, what’s covered, common faculty questions and how their program design has evolved based on what they’ve learned over time.

This session is now complete. Thank you to all our guests and attendees! Watch the recording below, or read through the audio transcript.