Topic: OER Challenges Facing Newcomers
When: 2022-01-20T19:00:00Z → 2022-01-20T20:00:00Z
Guests: Gabby Hernandez (Open Education Librarian, University of Texas, Rio Grande), Shannon Smith (Open Educational Resources Librarian, Boise State University) and Cheryl (Cuillier) Casey (Open Education Librarian, University of Arizona)
Stepping into a new role, or a new field like OER can be both exciting and overwhelming. There are challenges in developing open educational programs, and for newcomers to OER, knowing where to start may be especially vexing. How do we support OER adoption in a changing environment? How do we talk to faculty about Creative Commons licenses? How do we develop publishing programs that support faculty’s goals while being realistic about our capacity? The questions are many, and many will recur through the years! We want to offer a welcoming community to support newcomers, one that shares recommendations, rubrics and other adaptable tools for supporting student success and professional well being. Our guests, who are both experienced OER professionals and those who are newer to the field, will explore the challenges facing newcomers and discuss how we can support one another as we move open education forward.
Thank you to our guests! This session is now complete. Watch the recording below, or view the audio and chat transcripts: