Phase 2 - March Group Check-In (C Cohort)

Hello, @oct22-c-cohort ,

I hope you all are doing well! I really enjoyed meeting with each of your teams individually last month and getting to hear a bit more detail about how things are progressing with your projects. And everyone is making excellent progress!

This month we’ll be meeting again as a full cohort, and I’d like to dedicate the first few minutes of our session to revisiting the topics of authoring & editing logistics, and content creation. Remember that your March IMLS Milestone is to have one chapter draft loaded into Pressbooks. During our session, teams will show off their draft chapter in Pressbooks [one team member will be asked to screenshare], get some feedback on that model chapter, and chat more about how teams’ projects are progressing. In advance of our session Thursday, please share any initial questions you have about creating and editing content (or other topics) by replying to this thread.

Some questions to consider before our time together on Thursday:

  • Overall, how are things going with your project?
  • What has been the easiest part of getting a chapter into Pressbooks?
  • What has been the most challenging part of getting your project into Pressbooks?
  • What do you not know or feel confident about right now?

Please post any updates, comments, project plan changes or challenges to this forum thread if you need to share before the session, or bring these notes to share during this month’s check-in session. I look forward to seeing you all. Take care!

Since we are editing an existing Pressbook, I think editing our chapters in Pressbook is going to be our best bet. Therefore, the “original” Pressbook was loaded this week and we will individually edit the chapters we have delegated.
The one question I have (so far) is about incorporating the existing glossary. How to we link the key words in our chapters with the glossary in the back matter?

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Hi Chantel,
That’s a great strategy for editing and divvying up the work! I’ve only created terms directly from the content editor, which is one way. Or, you can create them using the Glossary Terms tool. This instruction from Pressbooks explains both:

And this video tutorial was also helpful to me:

And either way you do it [visual editor or glossary tool] should automatically update the glossary in the back matter as it’s all linked/synced.

I hope I answered your question. If not, let me know, and I can find the answer for you.

Thank you!!

Thank you, @oct22-c-cohort , for a great session today! I am thrilled at the progress that your groups are making whether it’s in planning and organizing your OER, drafting original content, tweaking existing materials, or proofreading for errors.

As you shared out model chapters, I was particularly impressed with the ways in which you prioritized learning objectives, were thinking about cognitive load and the ways in which students learn best, and engagement pieces that would make your chapters dynamic. Seeing you localize the content was awesome, too!

As Emily mentioned, we will continue to gently push folks to enhance adapted materials with those special attributes that will make it yours and that bring learning to life by considering places to include: Louisiana-based content/examples, attention to accessibility within the content/images, alt-text, multimedia, H5P activities as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, etc.

One text often can’t do it all, so perhaps some of these elements might make an appearance in the Moodle course, too.

Some resources shared out in session that you might want to revisit include:

Keep up the excellent work! I look forward to seeing your next month’s accomplishments.

Take care,
