I hope you all are doing well. I really enjoyed meeting with each of your teams individually last month and getting to hear a bit more detail about how things are progressing with your projects. And everyone is making great progress!
This month we’ll be meeting again as a full cohort, and I’d like to dedicate a portion of our session to revisiting the topics of authoring & editing logistics, and content creation. Remember that your March IMLS Milestone is to have one chapter draft loaded into Pressbooks. During our session, teams will show off their draft chapter in Pressbooks, get some feedback on your model chapter, and chat more about how your projects are progressing. In advance of our session next week, please share any initial questions you have about creating and editing content (or other topics) by replying to this thread.
Some questions to consider before our time together on Friday:
Overall, how are things going with your project?
What has been the easiest part of getting a chapter into Pressbooks?
What has been the most challenging part of getting your project into Pressbooks?
What do you not know or feel confident about right now?
Please post any updates, comments, project plan changes or challenges to this forum thread, if you need to share before the session or bring these notes to share during this month’s check-in session. I look forward to seeing you all. Take care!
Speaking as the Cohort Leader for all groups, I feel like we are all off to a good start!
Some cohorts found Pressbook already out there and we cloned it to be edited for our need. Others found content not in Pressbook form and worked (are working - Finite Math) to get it into Pressbook.
Editing is a must for all groups, but I feel doable with a team effort. Shout out to the LOUIS group (Emily Frank and Elizabeth Kelly) for helping to do a lot of edits with the formulas to get us all started. One of the main focus points is that all groups want to have videos and self-check exercises in the resource, rather than a block of text. Hopefully this can be added after there is consent with the content arrangement in the text.
The one thing I feel is a challenge is remembering to track changes and edits.
@oct22-b-cohort, thanks for a great session today! It was great to check in with you all and hear about the progress your teams are making. I’m really impressed with how teams are working together and thinking deeply about the content going into your resources. This intentionality will make for some great OER!
Today we spoke a lot about the successes and challenges (or as @James.Boffenmyer noted, “learning opportunities”) that you have faced in the last month. Overall, it appears teams have solid plans of action. We spent a lot of our time looking at some sample chapters and asking questions about Pressbooks, editing, and how to divide up the work.
Some resources shared out in session that you might want to revisit include:
If you were unable to attend today’s session, the recording should be available to watch.
Keep up the excellent work! I look forward to seeing your next month’s accomplishments. Reminder that our next session together we will be meeting together one-on-one as teams, so don’t forget to sign up for your One-On-One session . (Note: If none of these times suggested work for you, please let me know as soon as you can so we can find a time that works for you.)
Enjoy the month ahead - looking forward to seeing y’all in April!
A reminder that our next session together (Friday, April 28) we’ll be meeting together one-on-one as teams, so please don’t forget sign up for your One-On-One session if you haven’t done so already. (Note: If none of these times suggested work for you, please let me know as soon as you can so we can find a time that works for you.)