Hi @July22-M-2-Cohort Friends,
For those able to make the session, thank you very much! It was also lovely to see some new (to me) faces. This session was geared on giving some expedient feedback on your initial chapter template.
As a group, we went through one team’s chapter template with some degree of detail. It was nice being able to ask questions of the authors, get clarification where needed, and most of all see the wonderful progress you are making!
If you would like feedback on your chapter template, you can submit it to the shared ROTEL folder (you may have to contact Barbara for access AND let me know you posted it there) OR link it out from this forum here OR email it to the group. Please let us know if there is something specific you’d like feedback on or just general, overall feedback. This exercise is not required but offers an extra set of eyes if you’d like it. Quick reminder that when sharing links to Google Docs, please make sure share preferences have commenting mode checked.
If you were not able to make the meeting, here is a link to the recording
Passcode: Ry+xa8m*
OR link to the audio
Passcode: Ry+xa8m*
I started the recording a touch late, so I’m sorry about that. It was mostly just me apologizing for the Zoom link (which was somehow linked to Teams). I’ll try to troubleshoot that issue for the all-cohort meeting in April.
Finally, here is a link to the equity rubric that I shared at the end of the session. This is an optional tool, but parts and pieces of the lens-specific rubrics could prove helpful to you in both or either the drafting or peer review process.
Finalized chapter template drafts for Round 2 are due mid-March, right after their spring break – and that will vary by institution. If you are done earlier, awesome. The Publishing Support Team (PST) is glad to accept them at any time. All submissions need to be sent with the appropriate subject line to the PST rotelpst@gmail.com with a copy to OTCC rep – this keeps the communication flowing along.
If you haven’t yet, please make sure to send Marilyn (marilyn.billings@comcast.net) the names and emails of the 2 or 3 peer reviewers your team plans to utilize. The sooner the better as this will help Marilyn in processing payments to reviewers more promptly.
Our next session will be a 1-on-1 in March. I’ll likely send out a Calendly with numerous options for meeting days/times. I’m here on the forum or email if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime.