Phase 2: June Session (July 2022 M-2 Cohort)

Hey Friends,
It was great to see you yesterday! We began the session by reviewing the timeline and deadline for your chapter drafts and next steps, which include incorporating suggestions from peer reviewers and the Publishing Support Team (aka PST). I know from your project updates that you are working hard on those chapters and are making excellent process. You do not need to wait for that July 15 deadline to submit chapters or at one time when all are done; submit as you get one done.

Again, kudos on the progress that you have made thus far on your chapters! I’m very impressed with the evidence-based research, trial and error, and collaboration that has gone into your OERs thus far. If you have any questions between now and our next session, don’t hesitate to reach out. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find out for you.

Meantime, continue to write, submit to PST using the shared folder drive, and get any peer reviewers to submit that short feedback form, which can be found on the Rotel Grant website along with other information.

If you were unable to make yesterday’s session, you can access the recording here (notice the passcode):

Passcode: hkmCs.&6

If somehow you missed the calendar invite, you can download it here:

I know the next few weeks will be busy for you, but don’t forget that work we did during our session on Storytelling, where you wrote material that can be used for your front matter/introduction.

Thanks for your continued diligence!

-Amy :blush: