Project Archive: Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.

Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics

Subject: Computer Science & Software Engineering

Book Language: English

Audience: mixed

Book Cover:

Created date: December 4, 2019

Updated date: March 6, 2020


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About the Project

This book is a guide to implement and analyze simple agent-based evolutionary models using NetLogo. The first chapters of the book are available at


All the models we implement and analyze are agent-based, i.e. individual agents and their interactions are explicitly represented in the models. To formalise agents’ interactions we use the basic framework of Evolutionary Game Theory. NetLogo (

) is a modeling platform used by hundreds of thousands of students, teachers and researchers all around the globe to build agent-based models. No coding experience is necessary to fully understand the contents of this book.


Everyone contributing to this project will be credited following the usual rules for attribution and recognition in Academia.

Short Description:

This book is a guide to implement and analyze simple agent-based evolutionary models using NetLogo. The first chapters of the book are available at


All the models we implement and analyze are agent-based, i.e. individual agents and their interactions are explicitly represented in the models. To formalise agents’ interactions we use the basic framework of Evolutionary Game Theory. NetLogo (

) is a modeling platform used by hundreds of thousands of students, teachers and researchers all around the globe to build agent-based models. No coding experience is necessary to fully understand the contents of this book.



0. Introduction

0.1. Introduction to evolutionary game theory

0.2. Introduction to agent-based modeling

0.3. Introduction to NetLogo

0.4. The fundamentals of NetLogo

1. Our first agent-based evolutionary model

1.0. Our very first model

1.1. Extension to any number of strategies

1.2. Noise and initial conditions

1.3. Interactivity and efficiency

1.4. Analysis of these models

1.5. Answers to exercises

2. Spatial interactions on a grid

2.0. Spatial chaos in the Prisoner’s Dilemma


