Project Archive: Ancillary Materials for Principles of Social Psychology

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.

Ancillary Materials for Principles of Social Psychology

Subject: Psychology

Audience: First-year undergraduate students in psychology

Book Cover:

Created date: December 4, 2019

Updated date: September 18, 2020


  • Attribution


  • Adopters

Short Description:

This project brings together social psychologists to develop ancillary resources to support

Principles of Social Psychology

. The book already has large adoptions at UBC, Ohio State, and a few other smaller institutions (including KPU). The ancillaries might include a question bank, powerpoint slides, and an activity manual.

A secondary goal of this community will be to provide (and to peer review) suggestions for updates and improvements to the book itself.

About the book

The first International edition of

Principles of Social Psychology

provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of social psychology from an interactionist perspective. The presentation of classic studies and theories are balanced with insights from cutting-edge, contemporary research. An emphasis on real world examples and applications is intended to guide students to critically analyze their situations and social interactions in order to put their knowledge to effective use.


Introducing Social Psychology

Social Cognition

The Self

Attitudes, Behaviours and Persuasion

Perceiving Others

Influencing and Conforming

Liking and Loving

Helping and Altruism


Working Groups: Performance and Decision Making

Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination

Competition and Cooperation in Our Social Worlds

