Project Archive: Introduction to Community Psychology

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.

Introduction to Community Psychology

Subject: Psychology

Book Language: English

Audience: Introductory Community Psychology courses

Book Cover:

Created date: December 4, 2019

Updated date: November 14, 2020


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This textbook will show you how to comprehensively analyze, investigate, and address escalating problems of economic inequality, violence, substance abuse, homelessness, poverty, and racism. It will provide you with perspectives and tools to partner with community members and organizations to promote a fair and equitable allocation of resources and opportunities. Please email us at with any feedback or to request downloadable versions of the chapter lecture slides and quizzes for instructor use.

Short Description:

This textbook will show you how to comprehensively analyze, investigate, and address escalating problems of economic inequality, violence, substance abuse, homelessness, poverty, and racism. It will provide you with perspectives and tools to partner with community members and organizations to promote a fair and equitable allocation of resources and opportunities.


About the Book


I. Introduction

1. Introduction to the Field of Community Psychology

2. History

3. Who We Are

4. International Perspectives

II. Theory, Research, and Practice

5. Theories

6. Research Methods

7. Practice Competencies

III. Understanding Communities

8. Respect for Diversity

9. Oppression and Power

10. Empowerment

IV. Intervention and Prevention Strategies

11. Community Interventions

12. Prevention and Promotion

13. Stress and Coping

V. Tools for Action

14. Public Policy

15. Community Organizing, Partnerships, and Coalitions

16. Behavioral Community Approaches

VI. Our Future

17. Social and Political Change

18. Dissemination and Implementation

19. Looking into Your Future

VII. Chapter Quizzes

Quizzes for chapters 1 through 19.

VIII. Chapter Lecture Slides

Lecture slides for chapters 1 through 19.

