Project Archive: Case Studies in Community Psychology: A Global Lens

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.

Case Studies in Community Psychology: A Global Lens

Subject: Psychology

Book Language: English

Audience: Undergraduate and graduate students studying community psychology and allied disciplines

Book Cover:

Created date: June 9, 2020

Updated date: March 16, 2022

Target Release Date: 2021-07-01


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purpose of this book is to bridge the gap between theory and practice which is imperative if

community psychology

is to grow and flourish as the great discipline it is! Community psychology would not be “community” psychology if we did not take the theoretical frameworks developed by pillars of the discipline and theories of newcomers to the field and put them into practice.


Case Studies in Community Psychology: A Global Lens is the first known textbook dedicated to case studies and will also be the first created in an OER format. Further, it is exciting to be working on a book that will include actual

community psychology projects

from around the world! Lastly, we intentionally include practice work among community psychologists of color (CPOC), providing them with an opportunity they may not have had within academic publishing.

Pedagogical Objectives

Of course, as a textbook, there are teaching objectives. Case studies present rich, contextual factors that enable students to more easily relate theories to practice. Further, Dunne and Brooks (2004, para. 1) contend that “many students are more inductive than deductive reasoners, which means that they learn better from examples than from logical development starting with basic principles. The use of case studies can, therefore, be a very effective classroom technique.” As an

active-learning technique

, the case studies will have discussion questions at the end, additional resources for that community and topic, and a brief analysis by the contributing author in regards to the outcome and other relevant comments. Management Team: Geri Palmer, CWI & Adler University Todd Rogers, CWI & Adler University Judah Viola, National Louis University Maronica Engel, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Short Description:

What is

community psychology

? I’m glad you asked! Committed to the well-being of both individuals and their communities,

community psychologists

study the contexts within communities and the broader society and seeks to understand how these contexts influence the behavior of individuals, and how individuals influence their communities and society. Contexts include looking at

social issues

, social institutions, and environmental conditions. There is no better way to demonstrate the work and impact of community psychologists than by showcasing

actual projects conducted within communities

. This textbook displays this work in a dynamic case study format that will ignite students’ desire and passion to study and become future community psychologists! You can find community psychologists working with communities to change racist policies, end health disparities, create alternate settings for youth, foster community-based models to heal trauma, evaluate programs, and much more!



Where does the energy come from that all living organisms need to grow and develop? This seems a strange question to ask when this book is all about community psychology and not life science right? Yet we are hoping that the question makes more sense when we recognize that a community is a living organism and needs certain nutrients as all organisms do to convert to energy that of course, is used to develop and grow! A second relevant question might be, just what are the nutrients that a community needs to grow and develop? This book answers that question. A community needs a number of core nutrients to not just survive but thrive. A healthy community needs its members to be invested. It also needs allies and partners to invest in the community in concert with the members.

Overview of Community Psychology Practice

Communities of Color in the United States

  1. African American Communities

  2. Latinx Communities

  3. Asian American Communities

  4. Pacific Islander Communities

  5. Arab & Muslim Communities

  6. Indigenous Peoples Communities

Global Communities

Artist Communities

Communities of Faith

Food Insecurity & Communities

Disability Community

Children and Youth

Program Evaluations

Gender-Based Violence

Future of CP Practice

Using Case Studies in the Classroom

Students In Higher Education

