This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
HOME @ School: iPad Animation for Grade 3-8 Classrooms
Subject: Other Education
Book Language: English
Audience: Grade 3-8 Students, Educators, Parents
Book Cover: Copy of H.O.M.E. Cover Template (1).png - Google Drive
Created date: June 7, 2021
Updated date: May 17, 2022
Target Release Date: 2022-06-01
- Attribution
- Non-Commercial
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- Classroom Reviewers
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- Authors
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased our time online in a big way,
increasing exposure to online risks and misinformation
HOME @ School works with Grade 3-8 students & educators, providing media education through media creation, while building competence and confidence with the internet.
By equipping youth with these critical digital citizenship skills, we are creating a stronger and smarter generation of internet users who are active and responsible participants in building a better online Canada.
Short Description:
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven how imperative it is to develop the critical thinking and digital citizenship skills to navigate and evaluate news sites, social media, our online presence, and even our online connections with others. This is why we are bringing our Digital Literacy expertise, education & workshops to you. You and your students will learn critical Digital Citizenship skills while learning how to create media content of your own in safe, responsible and powerful ways…beginning with iPad Animation.
Resource Outline
Foreward by Matt Johnson, Director of Education, MediaSmarts
Equipment you will need, Classroom Set-Up
Credits & Acknowledgements
Course is suitable for Grade 3-8 students
Chapter 1: Pre-Production
Learning Objectives:
Equipment or Supplies needed:
Activity Description:
Activity #1:
Activity #2:
Activity #3:
Wrap-Up and Review:
Chapter 2: Production
Learning Objectives:
Equipment or Supplies needed:
Activity Description:
Activity #1:
Activity #2:
Activity #3:
Wrap-Up and Review:
Chapter 3: Post-Production
Learning Objectives:
Equipment or Supplies needed:
Activity Description:
Activity #1:
Activity #2:
Activity #3:
Wrap-Up and Review:
Chapter 4: Film Festival
Learning Objectives:
Equipment or Supplies needed:
Activity Description:
Activity #1:
Activity #2:
Activity #3:
Wrap-Up and Review: