Project Archive: Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students

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Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students

Subject: Student Guides

Book Language: English

Audience: Nursing and Education graduate students

Book Cover:

Created date: November 6, 2019

Updated date: March 10, 2020


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Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students

is an open textbook designed for students in graduate-level nursing and education programs. Its intent is to recognize the significant role the literature review plays in the research process and to prepare students for the work that goes into writing one. Developed for new graduate students and novice researchers just entering into the work of a chosen discipline, each of the eight chapters covers a component of the literature review process. Students will learn how to form a research question, search existing literature, synthesize results and write the review. The book contains examples, checklists, supplementary materials, and additional resources. Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students is written by two librarians with expertise guiding students through research and writing assignments, and is openly licensed.

Short Description:

This open textbook is designed for students in graduate-level nursing and education programs. From developing a research question to locating and evaluating sources to writing a sample literature review using appropriate publication guidelines, readers will be guided through the process. This book has been peer-reviewed by 7 subject experts and is now available for adoption and use in courses or as a library resource. If you’d like to adopt the book, please

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. You can view the book’s

Review Statement

for more information about reviewers and the review process. The

Accessibility Assessment

for this is book is also available. If you’d like to adopt or adapt this book, please

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: What is a Literature Review?

Chapter 3: How to Get Started

Chapter 4: Where to Find the Literature

Chapter 5: Evaluating Sources

Chapter 6: Documenting Sources

Chapter 7: Synthesizing Sources

Chapter 8: Writing the Literature Review



References (By Chapter)

Image Attributions (By Chapter)

About the Authors

Accessibility Assessment

Review Statement

Version History

