Project Summary: History of Dance

Please use the Project Summary Template introduced in Session 2: Project Scoping and post your updates here.

I have worked on the Overview, Motivators, and Course & Audience primarily. I would like have each team member add to the individual motivators section. I also need help with the Significant Learning Outcomes section, as I noted on the document.

I added a sentence to each the Course Materials Needed, Timeline and the Licensing sections. I would love some team input and ideas there as well. Project Summary Worksheet

As we have begun to tell our stories, we put together information in this document to share who we are. Storytelling & Communications Template - Dance History - Google Docs

Here is our timeline as we enter into Phase 2 of the project:
Prepare Content Support Target: Complete by Mid December 2023
Formatting/Gathering Readings and Film citations
Evergreening slides and assessments
Adding Alt Text
Create front & back matter (About pages, syllabus, etc)
Create google form to capture user feedback about the OER course adopt/adapt, broken links, etc.
Write statement of Inclusive practice

Move Content Target: Complete by Mid December 2023
Setting up google site platform
Watching tutorials
Exploring tools on google sites
Creating format for site
Identify images for site pages
Email, invite external reviewers w/details and course access instructions for their review and feedback (via google form)

Review Content on Site
Content/SME role
Copy editing/proofreading
External reviewers (dance history instructors; students - course navigability/usability)
Create a google form to capture external reviewer and adopters’ feedback (instructors / students)

Prepare release & adoption statements/announcements Release at Spring Break 2024
Identifying listserv and locations for announcements
Writing up a brief “press release” for myUMBC, etc.

Maintain & review (6 months or 12 months) January 2025
Schedule 1 to 2 check in/working meetings with OER team to review, update materials
Determine tasks, assignments, roles, and deadline
Return and report