Request for feedback on project from Apurva

Hi Paul, thanks for your question. I’ve been following the discussion threads for the project, and your most recent one (March 17 Zoom Meeting Summary) neatly summarizes your goals and approach. I like the modular approach you are taking with the book — while the main goal is for it to be used in a specific GEM course, parts of it could be used for other GEM or General Education courses, and the skills developed could be applied even more broadly. @aabbott also put it very nicely:

we are proposing a resource that moves from a traditional skill and drill approach to College Algebra (for example) to a recognize > think > understand > explain > model (maybe not in that order) approach, using mathematics as the modeling “tool” wherein they can develop abilities to take complex problems (of any kind, not just mathematics), break them down into first principles, and use those principles to develop potential solutions

Taking this into account and looking at the next steps you’ve identified (to outline lesson plans), it might be helpful for you and the team to coordinate on a sample chapter template and author guide (take a look at our author guide template as a starting point). This can ensure that any drafts you create will be consistent, and may also be a good exercise for you to identify how to present different pedagogical elements while preserving a modular structure.

Yes, the website was fantastic! :slight_smile: A standalone website might not be necessary for all projects. I’d suggest start by filling out your project homepage, and revisit at your next internal team meeting whether an additional website will help further boost your project (and whether someone on your team has the capacity to keep this site up-to-date).

I hope this helps. Feel free to tag me in any future posts, and I’ll be sure to chime in.