Welcome to General Education Math!
Take a moment to tell us about yourself, why you’re interested in this project, and get to know your fellow team members. We look forward to working with you on this exciting project.
Welcome to General Education Math!
Take a moment to tell us about yourself, why you’re interested in this project, and get to know your fellow team members. We look forward to working with you on this exciting project.
Hi team! I’m no math expert, but am following along the project’s progress as part of the Textbook Success Program. I wanted to make introductions between this team (@aabbott, @xiexia2, @paulbelue, @mjlove) and another from our May TSP cohort working on Mathematics For The People: Quantitative Literacy For Social Justice. Mark (@mbranson) is the lead behind this project, and I’m seeing lots of similarities in your approaches — with a focus on non-STEM students, introducing concepts first as a means to delve into mathematical topics, and more. I hope both teams will get a chance to connect.
One question that came up in both groups recently was around tools for both the final resource, but also for ancillaries — perhaps we can spin up a new discussed thread to delve into this. I know that @poritzj is also very interested in Mark’s project based on his experience developing Math OER and may also be able to contribute to this conversation.
Thanks Apurva.
Paul Belue
Thank you for the introduction, Apurva,
The Idaho math group will meet for our regular session Tuesday afternoon. I think we should talk about the level of collaboration we want with the group from the May cohort. Personally, I think it would be great to have another group to work with. The only thing we need to figure out is the level of collaboration we are all comfortable with. If there is significant overlap in content and approaches, we could save ourselves a lot of work. If it doesn’t work out that way, we might at at least have a group we can bounce ideas off of and help each other through some roadblocks.
Thanks again.
And if any of that cohort would like to reach me directly, feel free to forward my email: MJLove@lcsc.edu
Mike Love
HI all,
I agree with Michael that we should talk about possibly cololaborating with the other group. I think it could potentially be mutually beneficial.