Session 2 (LOUIS D). Project Scoping

Homework checklist – 1) contributing ideas to Project Summary document but I am having a tough time getting around the Rebus Community site as I don’t really know where to post things. 2) I see no Project Summary thread for instance. 3) open licenses are very interesting and are valuable for folks that want to make information widely available for no cost to the learners. 4) our team knows we want to generate a resource that is useful for both high school and college learners. 5) We have started discussion on appropriate tools to organize, steamline, and coordinate but I am not familiar with all the tools yet. 6) I am finding OER in the discipline and have a spreadsheet started composed of textbooks or other online content sources. I need to upload syllabi into google docs but am not sure about where to put them. My technology learning curve is really huge right now.

End of week 2 summary: I am happy that I have been able to dabble in the checklist items and review the first 5 slides of Session 3. My challenges are figuring out how to find where I am supposed to be finding things in Rebus. For instance, CGRG 2013 Human Geography - Rebus Community is not a forum I can find without a link. Another link that looks important is this one: Syllabus October 2022 D Cohort. If I am not taking notes, I can’t find these again. I hope this session 3 can help me figure out the logic in the rebus discussion forums.

What excites me? Storytelling may be a fun way to communicate information. I am looking forward to finding out more about it. Is it anything like the storytelling with maps that ArcGIS uses?

See you all tomorrow.

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