Session 2: Project Scoping

Thanks for the excellent session yesterday, @may24c-cohort. We went over the Week 2 homework (expected deliverables) during our meeting. It is also on the handout for session two and is at the bottom of this recap announcement. I’ve included links to any documents and locations that are relevant to a particular task. Let me know if you run into any issues.

Otherwise, here’s the chat transcript from this week’s meeting. The Zoom Recording from LOUIS will be posted here . If you missed the session today, you should see the recording shortly, as posted by LOUIS. See below for Key Links, Recap, then the Homework Checklist. The final HW item is to post a response to this thread before Session 3!

Key Links


This session started off with a review of our work in session 1 and your homework which was due before our meeting began. Everyone should have signed the MOU agreement and posted an introduction at this point. Please send me a message if you still need help with those session 1 assignments. Then, we moved on to a brief overview of the different stages of the open publishing process. Knowing what goes into publishing can help you as a creator plan for the work involved. The model depicted in the slides is cyclical to demonstrate that you will progress through the publishing process in unique ways, sometimes circling back or working in multiple stages all at one, in correspondence with the unique parameters in your project. There is no one way for all projects in our cohort, but understanding the different stages in the process, will help you plan ahead to better navigate those unique contexts.

Prior to our next session, please complete the activities listed on your Handout for Session 2 [link above], under the Homework Activities. I’ve copied the checklist to the bottom of this recap. The checklist includes further working on your Project Summary [link above], and starting to locate suitable OER in your discipline. We were able to get a great start in our breakout rooms today. I know that you will be able to keep the momentum going this week. As a reminder in the template, you’ll consider:

  • Title: informative for reader and adopter, but in this case, set by LOUIS
  • About the project: Brief, highlight any unique elements or aspects about the resource
  • Audience: Think beyond the course to the classroom and consider student accessibility needs, reading levels, backgrounds, contexts, etc.
  • Significant Learning Outcomes: Phrasing Overarching OER Outcomes and more specific sub-goals can guide you in the location of suitable resources or inform you of gaps that you will need to fill
  • About the content: list of topics or concepts covered, plus a brief structural breakdown of the book or course materials
  • License: Thinking about the permission you might (not) want to grant future adopters will help you define the license of your choice down the road
  • Team: list the full group of people involved in the project
  • Support or funding: mention institutional support and/or funding if applicable; again, in this case, LOUIS is providing the funding
  • Participation options: pathways to contact the team to get involved; check the chat for some resources that can be provided by LOUIS
  • Measures of Success: short and long-term goals that don’t solely need to be quantitative

Another important part of the Project Scoping stage is the coordination and forming of an effective team. A first step in this process is for you to set up systems and tools that will help your team to organize and make transparent all project- related communication. This will also allow for everybody to feel fully involved and contribute seamlessly, i.e. access, discuss, write, edit, and/ or format your OER. If you haven’t done so yet, please finalize this setup with your teams. We discussed the tools that we are already using including Google Docs, the Rebus Forum, Pressbooks, and Zoom. You may want to use other organizing programs.

Next week, we’ll continue to plan and finalize the vision for the project with our session on storytelling and communication. I look forward to connecting with you then again.

Homework: Share Team Progress Updates in Forum

This week, you are completing a draft of your Project Scoping Document.

After working with your team, review the reflective checklist on your session 2: Project Scoping handout. Then, make an individual post as a reply to this Session 2: Project Scoping thread in the Discussion Forum prior to our next session:

  • Were you able to meet all of the goals on the reflective checklist with your team this week?
  • What challenges, if any, have you faced, and what solutions have you found to address those challenges?
  • Then, leave a few thoughts around the items with regards to the upcoming Session 3: Storytelling and Communications 1 [Read the initial 5 slides]
    • that excite you,
    • you would like to know more about,
    • or you have questions about.

If you have any questions or would like my help, just let me know!

  • Our team was able to meet all of our goals for the week.
  • We have not found any challenges at this point.
  • I am interested in the storytelling session. I know when you can tell a story with the content it is easier for students to connect to the material.

Our group - Math for Elementary Teachers met our goals for the week and we all seem to be on the same page as to some of the things we’d like to accomplish. We haven’t found any challenges with the OER at this point, instead, our challenges lie in teaching our material and finding good, relatable content. I’m excited to get more involved in the comprehensive content part of next week’s storytelling session.

Our project summary still needs some work, but we haven’t all been able to meet yet.
I’d like to learn more about how to use storytelling in math. It seems like the hardest place to do it!

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  • Were you able to meet all of the goals on the reflective checklist with your team this week? Yes!
  • What challenges, if any, have you faced, and what solutions have you found to address those challenges? We have a lot of seasoned OER folks on this team, and we feel very solid about the next steps. Time is the biggest challenge.
  • Then, leave a few thoughts around the items with regards to the upcoming[ Session 3: Storytelling and Communications:
  • that excite you,
  • you would like to know more about,
  • or you have questions about.
  • What excites me is that I am a communication expert, and that is so much about storytelling. I want to know more about becoming a more coherent storyteller on a digital platform. I have no questions.

I was not able to be present for Friday’s team meeting, but have been provided with an OER textbook by Joel. It seems like a good jumping off point.

Our group is planning to meet next week (June 20). We are still working on our project summary. I am eager to obtain storytelling tools to better communicate content.

The Applied Algebra team is pressing forward. Some of the team members have already framed the template and send documents to review. It is clear that leadership and participation are strong. We will certainly be successful.

  • Were you able to meet all of the goals on the reflective checklist with your team this week? yes
  • What challenges, if any, have you faced, and what solutions have you found to address those challenges? No challenges so far
  • Then, leave a few thoughts around the items with regards to the upcoming
  • that excite you- I’m excited to use some of my storytelling knowledge to help in this process
  • you would like to know more about- how OER specifically tells stories to the student and those who use the materials
  • or you have questions about- None as of now

Our team, Math for Elementary Teachers met on Zoom this morning discussing the Significant Learning Outcome, course materials, structure, and a little of authorship. Thanks to Julie for bringing into the MyOpenMath she has been using, and thanks for Peter K.'s organizing the meeting! I feel the meetings are productive. By the way, we’ve also pre-reviewed the materials for this afternoon :slight_smile:

Our team has met. We have no questions and we have a great start going.

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Our cohort is meeting next week, and we are still working on the project summary. I am excited to learn about storytelling tools to better communicate.

Our team met last week; we provided group introductions during the meeting and shared some background and goals information. The group leader provided an overview of the project and a gist of how our cohort will function. In addition, we discussed that we would research some OER-specific subject matter material related to our project. Introduction to corrections OER material was located, and the cohort agreed to allow each member to review the material, enabling the cohort to define roles better and create the project summary template.

Applied Algebra has begun on the Project Summary template. We only had 3 of our 6 members present last week, so we have not met all of our goals yet. We will meet as a cohort until next week to get this revised and completed.

Storytelling is a compelling lesson that I look forward to in today’s session.

I am in the Applied Algebra group. A few of us were able to start on the project summary last week, but we are still working on finishing it. Not all of my group members were able to log in last week, but we have been able to talk via email/through shared google doc of the project summary and have scheduled a time to meet next week.
I’m looking forward to learning more about storytelling in math to better engage students.

Our team will be meeting next week and we are working on our project summary. We are setting up our weekly meeting for the rest of the summer based on everyone’s availability.

Our cohort hasn’t been able to meet yet, but should be meeting briefly next week. I know we’re all excited to get started!

Math For Elementary Teachers Cohort has met their goals for the week.
We haven’t encountered any challenges yet. We have been meeting weekly and have discussed potential challenges so are prepared to face them when the challenges arise. Our communication has been great and I am excited about the Story Telling session.

  1. Were you able to meet all of the goals on the reflective checklist with your team this week? Yes.
  2. What challenges, if any, have you faced, and what solutions have you found to address those challenges? None at the moment.
  3. Nothing particularly really excites me. I’m just motivated to do the best job with the best team and continue providing OER for my students.
  4. There isn’t anything I would like to know more about, except to reinforce the skills that were provided in my previous cohort.
  5. I have no questions at this time.

Our challenges so far are simply learning how to navigate Rebus and Basecamp. We all know the subject; we just have to figure out how this works.