Session 3: Storytelling and Communications (May 2024 B Cohort)

Hello @may24b-cohort,

Thanks for another great session this week! Here’s the chat transcript from this week’s session. See below for Key Links, the session Recap, and the Homework Checklist.

Key Links


This week’s session was designed to continue the scoping work from last week and we returned to look more closely at those parts that relate to the storytelling in your OER, namely the motivators, the audience, and the course materials.

Storytelling allows you to situate your role in the work, describe the story of your project, both within your team, but also more broadly as you market your OER. We used a template to guide your teams in the process of creating your project storywork plan.

Review the quote from late Ojibway author Richard Wagamese in our slides — and you’ll see how central narrative and story is to the work of OER creation. We discussed the transformative power of education and how storytelling can play a role in making inclusive content with equitable processes.

We emphasized acknowledging and validating different types of knowledge and expertise — and how you all play an integral part in this work by reflecting on the content of your OER (approach, vision for the discipline, knowledge, research, text, media, contributors, students, pedagogy). Jo-ann Archibald’s Indigenous Framework for Storytelling offers a guide to help you articulate the work you will be doing on your OER projects, both internally to inform decision-making on your OER but also externally to the broader open education community.

Thinking deeply about the storywork you want to do as content creators and team support members, may sound like a lot of effort, but we know from experience with past cohorts how well those efforts play out in the longer term. Having a clear understanding of the storywork for your resource - both its purpose and content - is critical throughout the publishing process to ensure you create an equitably and culturally sustainable resource.

Homework Activities

Prior to our next session, please complete the Session 3 Homework activities in your session handout. These include a mix of individual and team-based activities:

  1. Share your personal story by writing a bio (we’ll review this next week)
  2. Work as a team to identify marketing avenues to share your project’s story
  3. Post these pieces to your project-specific foci.

There was a request during this week’s session to see examples of the Storytelling & Communications Template. Below are a few you can take a look at for inspiration. Remember, there isn’t a “right” way to complete these. Your individual stories and you team’s story will be different than those of other individuals and teams.

Next week, our focus will be on establishing team roles and effective collaboration to support your project’s success. Let me know if you have any questions.

See you all next week!

Dr McGeary
I’m confused by your email. I’m in Liza Long’s cohort. Is there some reason I received this email? I completed my cohort yesterday.

Patsy McKenzie

Patsy McKenzie, PhD
Psychology Department
T: 301-784-5114
Office: Humanities 41

Allegany College of Maryland
12401 Willowbrook Road, SE
Cumberland, MD 21502

I’m not entirely sure why it sent you a notification. I tagged my cohort in the message, so it should’ve only sent it to them. My only guess is that maybe it did it because in my post I linked to a few of the Storytelling & Communications templates from your cohort. That’s the only reason I can think of why it might have sent you a notification. Anyway, you can just disregard the message because it was only intended for the May 2024 B cohort. Sorry for the confusion!

Where would you like us to post our personal bio? I do not see a space for it.

@ameliabrister, it should just be part of your group’s shared Storytelling & Communications Template. It’ll go under the “Situate yourself within the Project” section of the template.

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I love the focus on storytelling and see that this helps to engage the online learner. Stories from patients are easy to convert to case studies. Dr. Uddo

Is there a recording of the meeting that we can review? I do not see one linked above.

Ms. Tornayaa Milton is currently serves as the Cataloger/ Systems Administrator Librarian for Southern University at Shreveport (SUSLA). It has always been Ms. Milton’s dream to work for her alma mater, Southern University. Ms. Milton graduated from Southern University and Agriculture & Mechanical College in 1990 with a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications. In 2004, Ms. Milton received the MLIS in Library Science from Clark Atlanta University. Ms. Milton worked in various capacities for the Atlanta Fulton Public Library System for fifteen years before relocating back to Louisiana in 2005. Ms. Milton has worked for the Bookmobile Services, providing library services to the community and senior residents. She has also worked for the special research library, The Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History. Since arriving in the Shreveport area in 2018, Ms. Milton has worked with the Caddo Parish Public School System as an Elementary School Librarian until early 2022. In April 2022, Ms. Milton has been ever so happy that she has become a faculty staff member of the Southern University System.

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Dr. Kim Uddo
My personal drivers are to help bring to fruition a free resourced study program for diverse nursing students, a willingness to collaborate, and to learn new ways of teaching.
My skills include past experience in creating for Delgado a hybrid program for associate degree nurses for care of the older adult, a hybrid nurse refresher course, and a few graduate online courses for American Military/Public University Systems. I engaged in the Quality Matters (QM) program training as well as peer reviewer and received the seal of approval from QM on the nurse refresher course. I hope to apply principles of QM as we develop the course. I am motivated to do the work and I simply love the focus on storytelling! I have used storytelling in the classroom as well as conference presentations.


I am Dr. Kissley Booker APRN, DNP-C. I am from Zachary, Louisiana and graduated from Southern University A&M with my BSN, MSN, and DNP. As a first-generation college graduated, I have experience and wisdom regarding known disparities among specific populations. Graduating from an HBCU and now as an instructor, I see the same disparities and challenges that I once faced. I do have a passion to be an advocate and catalyst for change and equal opportunity for advancement for every student. Also raising awareness regarding such resources, as the OER program, is needed. I know that sometimes the obstacle that is faced is simply a lack of knowledge.

My journey from a first-generation college graduate to an educator highlights the importance of addressing educational disparities. My experience at an HBCU and my advocacy for equal opportunities reflect a deep understanding of the challenges faced by underrepresented students. By promoting resources like the OER program, I am not only raising awareness but also actively contributing to the solution, emphasizing that sometimes, bridging the gap is a matter of providing the right knowledge and resources.

@may24b-cohort, there seems to be some ongoing confusion about the assignment to post your bios. During the breakout rooms portion of last week’s session, each of your teams should have created a shared copy of the Storytelling & Communications Template. One person from each team will post a link to that shared document in the Storytelling & Communications Submission (May 2024 B Cohort) thread in our forum.

Toward the bottom of the first page of that shared document, there is a section where each person on the team should include their individual bios (highlighted below).

Keeping everything in that shared document (rather than an individual posts here in the forum) will make it easier for your team to go back later on and include those bios in the “About the Contributors” section of your OER. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

All the recordings should be shared in the Events & Milestones document.

Here is the Intro to Health Profession’s Storytelling & Communications Template thus far!

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