Thanks to everyone who was on the call today, even if only for a portion of it! I always enjoy hearing from everyone, and seeing how well each project is moving forward.
I’ve put together the chat transcript from our session today, for those interested in revisiting some of the questions asked or discussions had. I’ll share a recording of the Office Hours session on Tenure and Promotion as soon as it’s ready next week. Some other links shared on the call included:
- Pressbooks
- Examples of books on Pressbooks:
- The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far)
- Sight Reading for Guitar (nearly ready for publication)
- Robin DeRosa’s Twitter account, her website, chockfull of great reads, and her presentation on Beyond OER-The Promises Pitfalls and Potential of Open Education (@robinderosa1 we had a great time singing your praises today! You’re an inspiration!)
- Our thread all about licenses where you can post questions, comments, thoughts, considerations you have about licensing your projects
Quick reminder that there is no session next Friday, as we’ll be taking a break for the American Thanksgiving holiday. We’ll resume again on December 6 to talk about Accessibility and Inclusive Design!