Greetings, @oct22-c-cohort ! Tomorrow we’ll dive into a subject that many of you have been eager to discuss–Content Creation. Here are the Week 7 Slides and handout . Before jumping into our Zoom session, remember to post your weekly update to the Week 6 forum. Thank you:)
I will be in today’s meeting, but I will be on silent. Faculty Senate (I’m a Senator) is meeting with our new Chancellor this morning.
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Thank you, @Esperanza_Zenon , no worries! I know that you are multitasker extraordinaire!
Thanks for understanding!
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Sorry I missed the meeting. The connectivity in the Chancellor’s Conference room is very much lacking.
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Hey @oct22-c-cohort ! Thanks to all who joined today’s session - it was nice seeing everyone and chatting about content creation. One thing before diving into the recap: the Homework Activity is found at the bottom of this announcement. For the homework, we encourage your teams to work on the OER Structure Template as a way to begin thinking about the different levels of content creation and what we covered during Session 7.
Greetings to those of you who couldn’t make it. Please find here our brief recap and all resources related to the session for your reference:
The creation of content is one of the most important stages in the process. The work you do in this phase can make the next phases of editing, review, and formatting much easier. As OER content creators or contributors, your project teams can change the status quo in education.
With your student audience at the core of your efforts, you can develop both OER and specific pedagogical methods that in synthesis will work to support accessible, equitable, and inclusive learning. Well-structured content not only helps your students identify what matters to the discipline and specific courses, but also what matters to them. Thus we looked closely how specific elements in textbooks/ OER can work to represent and support your diverse learners on the book and chapter levels.
Homework Activity
Thinking through the structure of your OER will take some time and dedication, but we hope that the homework activity will guide your team’s discussion around the structure and parts in your resource [see Session 7 handout link]. It will help you redefine the alignment of your content with the envisioned outcomes for your project, so you can determine the parts that will further enrich your OER and make it stand out within your discipline. Feel free to browse the examples shared in your handout for inspiration as well.
Next week, we will dig a bit deeper into the editing process and how you can set up an equitable workflow and smooth logistics that includes checklists, tracking sheets, and an author guide to orientate everybody on your team.
Share Team Progress Updates in Forum
To let each other know of the progress you are making as you are working through the tasks of the week, post your reply to Session 7: Content Creation thread in the Discussion Forum prior to our next session:
- What activities (from the Homework activity and otherwise) have you managed to complete?
- What resources have you found that guide your work?
- What challenges have you faced and what solutions have you found to address those?
Leave a few thoughts around the outcomes for Session 8: Authoring and Editing Logistics [Read the initial 5 slides].
- What excites you?
- Would you like to know more or have questions about?
Hope you all enjoy your week ahead! See you all next week
That’s okay @Esperanza_Zenon !!! For you and anyone else who had to miss today’s session, the recording can be found in the Google doc Emily created. Thank you!
For the Introduction to Criminal Justice Cohort
We have a general idea of the topics/chapters/modules that we want to include in our project. One of our biggest steps will be in determining our course learning outcomes. This is a work in progress right now. We are working on the OER Structure Template document and will post this soon. Viewing other completed OER projects have really helped guide our cohort. It’s so interesting to see how others have built theirs and what they have included. It has been challenging because of all of our different schedules and the end of the Fall semester which is a busy time! However, we did manage to meet on December 5th, and we have a tentative date/time for our next meeting in January. We are very excited about getting deeper into the editing process. Everyone on the team wants to play an active role in the workflow!
For the Environmental Science cohort
Our team has made progress in determining our course modules/textbook TOC, the layout of chapters, the course description and course outcomes, and which OER textbooks we can adopt for our project. We’ve also managed to delegate topics to each faculty member. The more dialogue we have, the clearer it becomes what are the strengths of each team member. We feel ready to get down to business in January, when we will meet on Jan. 25.
As Cohort C- CBIO 2213 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 team, we met via WebEx on December 14th at 4 pm.
- We worked on the OER Structure Plan Part 1A-Outline creation and Part 1B-Chapter Structure including pedagogical devices and assessment plan.
1a. We talked about the textbook modules/chapter headlines.
1b. Everyone agreed to share their HAP1 course syllabi and create the best possible course learning objectives and course module objectives with the collaboration of all team members. Khalil promised to create a document with the links to all shared syllabi.
1c. Accessibility Toolkit is shared to use as a guide.
1d. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and HAP concept creation discussed
1e. We voted about the pedagogical chapter openers to decide which ones we should utilize by working on the OER Structure Plan document.
- Task distribution was made, and Ayda and Sharon agreed to develop a course learning objectives template and Scott and Priscilla to create module outlines and semester schedule (15 weeks including finals and exams)
- We decided on our next two cohort C meeting days as January 11th and 25th between 4- 5 pm, the time fits all team members’ schedules.
The Developmental Psychology group has been reviewing existing textbooks to get a better idea of how the group wishes to approach the construction of our text. We met to and were able to discuss a number of topics, including 1) accessibility options, 2) incorporating diverse theorists into the main portion of the text and not just additional readings and pictures, and 3) the flow of the textbook. One component that has been decided is that we would incorporate art into the text when possible.
The main idea for approaching work flow is that each person will be primarily responsible for all components of certain chapters. Once complete, those drafts will be submitted to the rest of the team for editing/ comments. In other words, one person is responsible for the heavy lifting in each chapter but each team member has a responsibility to ensure that the material is correct and flows with the rest of the book. We will meet again on 12/16/2020.