Welcome to Introduction to CBIO 2213 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Please use the Storytelling & Communications Template introduced in Session 3 to tell us about yourself, why you’re interested in this project, and get to know your fellow team members.
I’m motivated by the need to develop affordable education materials and expand the body of openly available materials under the current regime of copyright law. I bring project management skills, as well as experience with accessible design, the Pressbooks platform, instructional design, and course development using learning management systems such as Canvas and Moodle.
My major drive is to give students an affordable option for materials to help them toward their goals. I have always tried my best to give students quality education without the exorbitant cost.
I have been teaching for 50 years, from middle school to college. I worked on a LOUIS project last year and understand what is involved. I hope to bring this to the group. I have been teaching Anatomy and Physiology for over 30 years and started using an OER several years ago. I currently use OpenStax as the source of my textbook, but I am open to other suggestions.
I am sometimes technically challenged so I may ask for help in some areas.
I am sincerely motivated to be a part of this project. My drivers for participating in this initiative are centered around the affordability of this required school resource that will benefit students in the health sciences field today and in the future, as it is a crucial part of the foundation of their learning experience in Human Anatomy. I am driven to excel in creating this resource to help simplify its complexity and make it cost-effective. I possess several skills, but the three I view as most impactful would be adaptability, problem-solving, and communication. My expertise is Nursing. Using these skills and my expertise will be significant by adjusting as needed, addressing issues and solving them, and communicating very well with the team to promote teamwork and evolvement to accomplish the designated task.
I am driven to participate in this OER project because I believe it offers the ability to tailor content for specific learners beyond even traditional custom-publishing. I like the choices that this project offers to both instructors and learners and feel freed from the guilt of having to use undesired components of a traditional textbook just to justify the cost to students. I have 23 years’ experience teaching biology-related subjects to undergraduate students but am always looking at reforms to improve my teaching and my students’ learning. I understand a lot about what is not working with current textbooks and current students so I hope to contribute to the team by being open-minded about change but resourceful concerning evidence-based best teaching practices.
My major drive or reason is my willingness to contribute to the creation of a free and concise resource for students and/or instruction material who are interested to learn the HAP 1 subjects. Teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology is my passion.
My role is to be one of the subject matter experts to share my knowledge and expertise in this project. I am currently teaching various HAP courses since 2015 in community college settings but as a retired medical doctor, I have taught nurses and resident doctors for little more than 30 years.
I am very excited to be a part of this program for a few reasons. First, it allows me to contribute to the creation of a custom resource that addresses the needs of students today at different levels of education; and does so without further contributing to the exorbitant costs of higher education today. It also allows me the luxury of being able to discuss my field of study with colleagues who face the same challenges I’m currently facing, and to learn from their collective teaching experience.
I have taught Human Physiology for 15 years and have a lot of experience in teaching complex concepts to large class sizes. I am excited to learn new things and very open-minded to changing the way my current courses are being taught.
I have had some difficulty thus far wrapping my head around the sheer scope of this project, as well as navigating the numerous resources available to us. But I’m optimistic that I will be able to adjust to this fairly quickly.