Team Meet & Greet - Deep-sea Biology

Welcome to Deep-sea Biology!

Please use the Storytelling & Communications Template introduced in Session 3 to tell us about yourself, why you’re interested in this project, and get to know your fellow team members.

I am not sure if we are supposed to be collecting these on the storytelling template document or here, so here is my initial attempt at this as a comment in this thread…

I have been passionate about marine science since I was a small child. Spending a semester as an undergraduate in the Williams College Mystic Seaport program helped me see that ocean science is all the more relevant and important when situated in a social context. As an educator, helping people better understand the ways in which we are all deeply connected to the ocean (and the deep ocean in particular) is some of my most fulfilling work! I spend a lot of time thinking about how to teach material that is literally inaccessible, and am encouraged and inspired by the ways that technology is making the inaccessible less so. The way we study the ocean is changing, and I am excited to be part of a project that is leveraging emerging technology to also change the way we teach and learn about the ocean.

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Hi Heather - this is great! This is where we would like it to be. I look forward to what your other team members share about themselves.

I wrote my bio in a more traditional way: Roxanne Beinart (she/her) is an associate professor at University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography where she currently teaches a Deep-Sea Biology course for undergraduate and graduate students. Her background is in microbiology, which she now applies to study the ways in which microbes impact ocean ecosystems through their symbiotic relationships with other living things. Her research focuses on hotspots of symbiosis in the ocean, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents and anoxic coastal habitats. She has a BS from Cornell University and PhD from Harvard University, and conducted postdoctoral research at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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This is great, Roxanne! However you want to share about you and your work for this is exactly what you need to do. It’s great to hear more about you and your work, and your interests!