Team Meet & Greet - Writing 1

Welcome to Writing 1!

Please use the Storytelling & Communications Template introduced in Session 3 to tell us about yourself, why you’re interested in this project, and get to know your fellow team members.

A bit about our team:

Elise Takehana has wide past experience building digital archive exhibits and websites that document regional histories and local writers, which will be helpful in producing a digital book.

Diego Ubiera has been a campus leader in education justice and diversity and inclusion at Fitchburg State University through the Center for Teaching and Learning and a grant-funded mentorship program for Hispanic male students.

Jennie Snow has previous experience developing an OER anthology with students in a literature course.

Some of our main motivators:

  • Work collaboratively to create a resource that collects and organizes a lot of the work we already do while remaining flexible enough to be responsive to variation in our courses.
  • Introduce an updated framework for first-year writing that can be put into practice within our department
  • Create resources that make student experiences in first-year writing engaging, encouraging, empowering, and educational – practical development of skills AND interesting content, sense of possibility and purpose in educational goals
  • Address the friction of institutional practices of prescriptive writing instruction