Hi @dave.dillon, as promised, I’ve read through the draft Cultural Competency chapter and put together some thoughts below. Please note that these are thoughts from a non-expert in the field.
Excellent chapter to include, and it’ll make a great addition to the text!
There’s a slight shift between “you,” “I” and “they” at the start of the chapter was a bit confusing. Suggest sticking with you throughout, or however the rest of the book is referring to the reader for consistency’s sake.
Vocabulary list was great to have, for students to be able to refer to. I thought of some terms that may be helpful to add, due to their popularity in media usage or in the college setting: cultural appropriation, micro-aggression, tokenism, diaspora, and ESL (English as a Second Language) speakers. Perhaps also: equity vs equality?
The first exercise, option B suggests visiting a church - but perhaps make this a bit more neutral, or include other spaces of religious worship? Local community centres may also be good to add to this list.
I loved the sample scenarios and bullet points following that prompted readers to self-reflect.
The section on Cold War Terminology could sit under “Global Classification” not separate from it.
Overall, the chapter was hugely informative, and a very very valuable addition to the book. As you’re continuing to edit, I might suggest thinking about order and flow, or more clearly signalling sub-sections within the chapter. I noticed a few shifts from theory to informal language and back to theory, which wasn’t unpleasant as a reader, but could possibly be signalled to with transition sentences between sections.
I hope this is helpful – please take these as suggestions, feedback, with no obligations to implement any. I really look forward to seeing this chapter included in the books in the coming months, and am eager to see how students and instructors respond.
Terrific and valuable feedback @Apurva! Thank you so much.
Some of those I can implement immediately and a few a will put for the near future category.
A few questions on attribution: If you may take a look at the Attribution and Licensing at the bottom of the draft chapter.
I have two attributions for the WKU original source - one is consistent with what I have been using and the other is their recommended attribution. Would you have a recommendation on which to use?
The WKU work includes a few references to other books or articles but there are not complete footnotes or bibliographic references in the original, only “(Gollnick & Chinn, 2013)” for example. Correct to assume best practice would be for me to include a full footnote, yes?
OpenStax has some additional licensing language regarding what must appear on each page if printing. I have included it now but my question is - is it necessary to include all of it?
I believe if the youtube licensing does not show for a video, it can be assumed it is of standard youtube license? The “Where are you From?” youtube video looks like the creator wants to be e-mailed to potentially give permission for licensing. And I could not find licensing listed. Please advise.
While it would be ideal to use the recommended attribution for the resource, given where this information is placed in the chapter, it should be consistent with other attributions in the book.
Yes, that’s be best, as long as this is consistent with citations in other chapters.
I’d suggest writing up the attribution (as you have for other resources). Then as directed by OpenStax you should include the language they have provided: "The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo are not subject to the creative commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written consent of Rice University. For questions regarding this license, please contact support@openstax.org. Download for free at http://cnx.org/contents/afe4332a-c97f-4fc4-be27-4e4d384a32d8@7.23." I’ve pulled out this download link since the book will display on the web, in other digital and print formats. You could verify this with someone from OpenStax just to be sure. Perhaps @anthony could confirm that this attribution is sufficient, or point to someone on the OpenStax team who can?
Yes, if license does not display then the standard YouTube license should be assumed.
I am requesting assistance for consistency with the font and font size within the cultural competency chapter. I noticed that the last portion of the chapter looks to have a different font with a smaller font size. Would it also be possible to take a look at the font and font size for the attribution and licensing area. The OpenStax citation is in a different font/size.
Thank you!
Hi Dave, I’ve taken a look and there were some errant span and div tags in the OpenStax citation, which I’ve removed. This should resolve the font-size/formatting issue. Please take a look and let me know if everything looks good on your end!
Yes, fixed in the attribution licensing area. In the regular chapter content, the font and size are different beginning with the “Global Stratification and Classification” sub heading. Would it be possible to change the font and size of the from there to the end of the chapter to match the rest of the chapter?