General Discussion: Introduction to Philosophy

@scottarobison I definitely agree with you on many points here. I just know from talking to instructors that many of them simply don’t have the time to engage in much adaptation right out of the box. They are looking for something that they can use right now, as is. Not everyone is like this, and I do wish more people had the time and inclination to go into adaptations immediately, but the reality of overwork these days is that many just don’t have the time even if they have the inclination. And too many also are not ready to have their students jump into adaptation; though they might be willing to do so, the time it takes to learn the tech tools needed and teach those to their students, as well as rework a course, to have students be adapting the text, again is sometimes more than people have.

I, too, am very excited about the prospect of how this kind of project can lead us beyond the usual textbook model. But my own focus is also on saving students money now, as soon as possible, and to get more adoptions at this point, sadly, may involve creating something that people think of as ready to use as soon as it comes out.

That isn’t to say that “creating something that can/should be revised now” isn’t also part of the process here. I want to keep it in mind and maybe start working on how to encourage easy adaptations, provide examples, step-by-step instructions, etc., that will make that as simple as possible so people with very little time aren’t scared away!