Hi Sourav, great to see you posting in here! Exciting to see the updates that you’ve made to this project since we last spoke, and to see the team slowly growing. I see that Zoe and Hugh have gotten back to you already on the bulk of your questions, and as they’ve said, please let us know if there’s anything you’d like to follow-up on.
That’s excellent, and fits wonderfully with our approach too!
That’s a fairly usual case with a lot of the people working on open textbook projects, and taking it slow is a good approach! “underpromise and (hopefully) over-deliver” sounds about right too. As you’re still in the planning phase and allotting various tasks to one another, I wanted to point you to our upcoming Office Hours session on the “Invisible Labour of OER” There’s a lot that can go into making an open textbook, but being aware, open, and upfront about the work involved will help make it easier to manage (or so I hope).
Thanks again for taking the time today to chat with us. Looking forward to hearing more as you and the team get going!