Guidelines for Authors/Case Studies in Community Psychology

Here is the Authors’ Guideline Package we used when an abstract was approved for full submission of a manuscript or case story. Case Study Guidelines.docx (1.9 MB)

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Thanks for sharing, Geri! This is very comprehensive. :slight_smile: I especially like how your team has highlighted the need/motivations for the project as well as how it can mirror the community dynamics seen in the field.

I noticed that you’ve also included a brief author agreement in the guidelines: when following-up with authors, I would recommend clarifying the license on the book (if you haven’t already) and ensuring that the agreement includes a sentence where the author consents to their work being shared under this license.

Hi Apurva,
Thank you for the feedback! The little form in the author guidelines (consent) is if they need it for any community members they wish to have help with the case story write-up or to make sure they are actually okay with their names, organizations, etc.(if applicable). But, your feedback on the content to put into an author’s agreement is very helpful though once we accept their full manuscripts. Thank you so much for your guidance.

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I see - thanks for the clarification. We have some sample author agreements that you could look at as you begin to prepare one for your project (and more resources about this in our Content Creation handout):

Hi Apurva,
These are great! Thank you! The team decided to go with Pressbooks for the LTI capacity and I believe I shared our url…communitypsychologypractice. If not, this is it.

No problem! I’ve followed-up with you over Direct Message about the Rebus Press (Pressbooks setup). :slight_smile: