Hi Apurva and All:
I will absolutely add links to the conferences as they are all virtual. To your questions about SCRA, yes this stands for the Society for Community Research and Action. This is Division 27 of the American Psychology Association (APA)..
So we have sent images and some thoughts to our graphic designer to begin working on our book cover. We are looking to see templates of some type of world (map) as a backdrop with images of diverse images of people in the community in the foreground. I’ll be sure to add them to updates for thoughts from the cohort.
We received approval to present at the session held by SCRA at the Midwest Psychological Association’s conference. Here is the link for the conference registration:
MPA Conference Registration. This is for both the MPA general presentation and SCRA has a separate program on Friday, April 23rd, 2021; and on Saturday, April 24th, we’ll present for the MPA General Session.
We did upload our case study guidelines here: Case Study Guidelines
Stay safe!