Informed Consent for Participants Within Your OER

Hi Folks,
Some of you have expressed a desire to interview folks (students, parents, community members, etc.) as part of your OER. The first place to check is your institution to ensure that you are using the proper informed consent forms that your organization and legal require. Your colleges may already have approved forms so that you do not have to reinvent the wheel in creating your own. Furthermore, if you have even the slightest inkling that you might want to use these interviews for research in the future, please be proactive and simultaneously proceed through your institution’s ethics approval process.

In the meantime, I’ve collected a few resources that may help to orient you to the types of consent forms out there from other colleges and organizations:

Sample Participant Consent Form

Consent and Assent (Over & Under 18) Forms

Performance Release (bottom of page)

Sample Email to Potential Interviewees

Media/Image Consent

In the spirit of sharing, if you already use a consent form, then we would love it if you could post or link this out as a reply. We can all gain from your practitioner experience! Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing these!

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