New Blog Post by Apurva Ashok

Apurva Ashok (@apurva) will be facilitating the Textbook Success Program this fall. In a recent blog post, she reflected one of the largest open textbook projects she has worked on. Find out more about her experience in the full blog post.

“There were 163 posts on the Rebus Community platform and 35 people collaborating on the Introduction to Philosophy series when I first joined this open textbook project. The team had been working together for almost six months, so there was some catching up to do: I had to understand the team’s motivations, vision, and current progress, all the while considering how I could lend my expertise to the project. The book has since evolved and expanded, growing from a single volume on introductory philosophy to a nine book series covering key concepts in the field. This change and exponential growth emerged from the community around the project itself. My part was and is helping Christina Hendricks, the series editor, thoroughly understand the publishing process, and equipping her with the tools to manage the team and foster the community around it.”

If you have any questions or comments about Apurva’s experience with the Intro to Phil project, we’d love to hear them! :grinning:

I’ve really enjoyed working on the Introduction to Philosophy series with @christina.hendricks and the rest of the team! I loved having the chance to explain a bit more has gone into these books and share what an incredible experience this is. Let me know what you think of it, and as Leigh said, I welcome any questions or comments. :smile:

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