Hello @may24b-cohort! I just want to remind you that we’ll be meeting tomorrow from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Central for our first session in Phase 2. This is an all cohort meeting, so we’ll be meeting with everyone. Please be prepared to provide updates on your teams and projects.
If you haven’t already, please fill out the TSP Phase 1 Feedback Survey. Thanks to all those who have so far!
Thanks for a wonderful session yesterday! It was great to see you all and hear about how your projects are coming along. Here is a link to our session chat transcript.
Yesterday we chatted about Phase 2 and what we can all expect from it. We went over the Phase 2 folder in the Curriculum Hub and how it offers you some additional resources and a checklist outlining the deliverables needed from Rebus in Phase 2. Note that Phase 2 sessions are a lot more flexible and conversational than Phase 1. Please make sure you’re bringing questions, topics, and updates on your projects to every session. Since these are monthly sessions, it’s especially important to reiterate your team’s monthly goals at these sessions and provide updates at the following session or in the forum.
Some topics that were mentioned in the Phase 1 Survey to discuss in Phase 2 were:
Authoring & Content creation
Accessibility and Inclusive Design
Formatting and Release Preparation – This will be a session in Phase 3
Storytelling & Marketing – We covered some of this in Phase 1, but it will also come back a little bit in a slightly different way in Phase 3 when we talk about Release Preparation because telling your project’s story will be an important part of your promotional efforts when you release your OER to the wider open education community.
If you have other topics you’d like to discuss or specific questions around the listed topics, please comment below and fill out the Phase 1 Survey if you haven’t done so already.
We also chatted a bit about Pressbooks and H5P yesterday and how you can use them in your content creation. I shared a few resources that can provide some additional information about these tools:
H5P also does regular webinars. You may also find the H5P Periodic Table useful as you’re considering which H5P content types to use.
Below is some information about our next two sessions:
September’s 1:1 Session - This will partly be an accountability check. We’ll check in on your goals you set for the month. Please be sure to have your team sign up for a timeslot. Only one person needs to sign up on behalf of the team, but be sure to add everyone’s email addresses to the sign-up form so that everyone gets the meeting invitation.
October’s Cohort Session - Please bring along something from your project (a chapter, author guide, table of contents, etc.) to share with the cohort. We’ll offer feedback and answer questions you may have about it. You should be receiving communication from LOUIS about scheduling this session.
Please comment below about what your/your team’s goals are for the upcoming month. Only one person from each team needs to post the goals on behalf of your team. If you have any questions/concerns, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll check in with you all next month!
Med surg I’s goal for this month is to finish filling out the OER Structure Template so everything is ready for next month when we will create our first chapter.
The goals for the Medical Surgery II Cohort in August are having a working/brainstorming meeting to develop a title and to commit to the context content that shall be part of the resource.