Edits made in Moodle courses:
- Welcome! Module
- Removed red text under Course Introduction.
- Added the following statement before the Course Description and learning outcomes: “This College Algebra [CMAT 1213] course adheres to the scope and sequence of a one-semester College Algebra course. The course description provided is the from the statewide common course information.”
- Added statement for adopting instructors: Adopting instructors can embed a welcome video or add additional text here.
- Removed red text under Structure of the Course
- Added the following text: “The course includes X content Modules which covers each of the X chapters in the textbook (provided link). Each module includes a brief introduction text with module learning objectives, links to the corresponding Pressbook sections, _____________________ (etc.) for that Module. There are additional modules for smaller Exams, a Midterm Exam, and/or Final Exam.”
- Removed red text under Navigating the Course.
- Removed “Each module includes the relevant chapters followed by various activities, which may include discussion forums, listening activities and quizzes, practice quizzes, module tests, and other relevant activities as appropriate for each module,” because it was repeating what was in the Structure of the Course text.
- Added statement for adopting instructors: Adopting instructors can embed a navigation video or add additional text here.
- Added statement for adopting instructors: Adopting instructors should edit the About Your Instructor and Office Hours Information pages in this Module.
- Learner Support Module
- Added statement for adopting instructors: Adopting instructors should edit all pages in this Module - as per their own Institution’s policies.
- Added MyOpenMath Accessibility Statement link in Accessibility Policies and Services
- Added MyOpenMath Privacy Policy and YouTube privacy links in Data and Privacy
- Put one copy of the original template Assignment and Discussion
- Put copy of the Adding an Assessment or Additional Exam
- Content/Chapter Modules
- Assignment link in each Chapter Module made to be used as work upload for Quizzes
- Chapter Discussion Forum Q&A for each Chapter Module
- Removed Chapter Test MyOpenMath Assignment links
- Edited list of “to achieve these objectives.”
**Added to complete the Quiz for the Chapter
**Added to upload work for Quiz using the assignment link
**Added to post in Chapter Q&A Discussion Forum
**Removed “Take Test #” - All content modules now also have the statement: Note the check boxes to the right that help you track your progress: some are automatic, and some are manual.
- Exam Modules
- All instructions in these Modules are the same.
- All Modules have the Exam Information and Instructions page, with directions in the Module for adopting instructors to edit this page.
- Assignment link in each made to be used as work upload.
- Discussion Forum Q&A for Exam Modules added.
- Edited Midterm or Exam 2 and Final Exam Modules and created an Exam 1 and Exam 2 or 3 Module.
**Options for instructors who want to give Exam 1, Exam 2, then Final; or Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3, then Final; or Midterm and Final only.
Still To-Do:
- Edit Syllabus and re-upload
- Edit Course Schedule with smaller Exams option
- Put Assignment points and percentages – with Quizzes or with smaller Exams
- Feedback policy
- Interaction policy
- Course Map with CLO, MLO, assessments, materials, and activities
- Decide if everything in the For Instructors Module is still needed!
- Add page for getting MyOpenMath course and editing