Pressbooks Orientation for Interested Contributors: Nov 12, 1-2

Hi, @WriDig-team: For those who were interested in learning about Pressbooks, I’ve scheduled a meeting on November 12th from 1-2. This works for most everyone in the Doodle poll except @dmoore - so Devon, I’d be happy to meet with you separately. The Zoom information is below!

Join Zoom Meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom Meeting ID: 892 7403 7594 Passcode: uhKU0fxB

One tap mobile +12532158782,89274037594# US (Tacoma) +13017158592,89274037594# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 892 7403 7594

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Hi @jsheffield ! Sorry I can’t make it this Friday. I’ll be in touch to set up another time. Thanks for being so flexible!

@dmoore - No worries! Maybe we can spend a little time on it on Sunday night!

@apurva - Hi, there! Hope all is well. Two contributors are trying to get access to my book, and I think your help again. Email addresses are and I’m trying to add them. They have created Pressbooks accounts, but when I add users in my book, it says they don’t exist. Thank you for your help!!! :grinning:

Sure thing - I might loop in @me.monicabrown to help with this! :smiley:

Hi, Jenna.

Not a problem! Since our network is distinct, they’ll both need to get set up with their own accounts via our specific network. I am currently getting the needed info from the first contributor you listed here. Unfortunately, we can’t add domains on our network.

That being said, I’ve gone ahead and added the person with the email address. They should receive an email inviting them to confirm their new account and a second email indicating that they’ve been added to the book.

Let me know if any additional questions come up - thanks!


Thank you, @me.monicabrown! @upike - will you let me know if you got the invite email? I think I can then add you specifically to my book. @doctamuhlhauser - can I use your university email address?

Yes, I was able to get in. Thanks!


Hey Monica,
Just checkin’ to see if any progress has been made on my account!


We got your details, Paul, and will get you set up today!

You should be all set — more details via Direct Message. Let us know if you have any issues. :slight_smile: