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Global Regions: World Regional Geography
Subject: Geography
Book Language: English
Audience: Undergrad world regional geog course;intro globalization,international studies,area studies courses
Created date: November 20, 2019
Updated date: November 13, 2020
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This will be the first open world regional geography textbook for university courses, one of the largest textbook markets in human geography. However, the text will also stand out among its competitors for its overarching framework that explicitly incorporates the often unequal political-economic relationships that characterize interactions within and between world regions. In contrast to competing texts—which often simply carve up the earth into regions and list facts about each one in encyclopedia-level density—this book wrestles with how we define regions, justifies the regional divisions used in the book, and explains why the information provided in each chapter is significant to understanding past and present global political-economy. After three introductory chapters to introduce the book’s framework, a series of ten chapters—each written by a different regional expert—takes students through the world’s regions. First drafts of 11 of the 13 chapters have already been written. Each chapter includes key concepts and review questions. We tentatively plan to add example case studies from other specialists with regional experience to bring each region to life and illustrate with more texture and detail the concepts presented in each chapter.
Short Description:
This will be the first open world regional geography textbook for university courses, one of the largest textbook markets in human geography. However, the text will also stand out among its competitors for its overarching framework that explicitly incorporates the often unequal political-economic relationships that characterize interactions within and between world regions. In contrast to competing texts—which often simply carve up the earth into regions and list facts about each one in encyclopedia-level density—this book wrestles with how we define regions, justifies the regional divisions used in the book, and explains why the information provided in each chapter is significant to understanding past and present global political-economy.
Introduction: Producing and Circulating Knowledge about Global/World Regions
Danya Al-Saleh, Dr. Kris Olds 1, Kramer Gillin, UW-Madison
Why Study Global Regions in World Regional Geography? (Introduction)
Dr. John Agnew, UCLA
Global Political Economy
Dr. John Agnew, UCLA
The United States and North America
Dr. Emily Gilbert, University of Toronto
The European Union and the Rest of Europe
Dr. Alun Jones, University College Dublin
Russia and Its Hinterland
Dr. Edward Holland, University of Arkansas
China and Vicinity
Dr. Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology Sydney
The Pacific Rim (including Japan and Australia)
Dr. John Agnew, UCLA
Southeast Asia
Dr. Ian Baird, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr. Garth Myers, Trinity College (CT)
India and South Asia
From the Mediterranean to the Gulf
Dr. Adam Ramadan, University of Birmingham (UK)
Brazil and Latin America
Dr. Brian Godfrey, Vassar College