This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
Human Geography: Principles And Applications
Subject: Geography
Book Language: English
Audience: First-year human geography classes/students (in Canada and elsewhere)
Created date: November 6, 2019
Updated date: September 18, 2020
- Attribution
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- Ancillaries Contributors
Our aim in developing ‘Human Geography: Principles and Applications’ is to provide an alternative to the traditional human geography textbook and, ultimately, a replacement. Over the long term our objectives are to develop a textbook that will provide students with:
i) the fundamental principles and concepts of human geography;
ii) the ability to understand those principles and concepts through practice; and
iii) the opportunity to develop applied skill sets in human geography.
All of these will be accomplished by introducing students to a context that is uniquely and intrinsically Canadian.
Having said that, our plan is to roll out the full text over three phases, as resources and expertise permit. We are currently focusing on Phase 1, and will move onto the others in future iterations of the book.
Phase 1:
The first phase will focus on the basics of human geography (as expressed in objective i).
Phase 2:
Subsequent revisions will see us bring on board practising geographers, who will provide case studies that highlight how the discipline can be applied outside of the academic environment (objective ii).
Phase 3:
Finally, we hope to develop datasets and exercises that enable students to explore the practical application of human geography (objective iii).
We are also using a
modular approach
to develop the text such that local examples or materials can be swapped out by instructors in other jurisdictions and anticipate the book will be adapted into other international editions in future.
Short Description:
This book will cover the major themes or sub-areas within human geography. Each section will introduce & define key themes and concepts in human geography and will be supplemented by openly licensed images and illustrations. Where appropriate the text will introduce students to the work and wisdom of practicing geographers in a variety of subfields. The students should benefit by having a textbook that covers a good deal of the discipline, while emphasizing the practical aspects of a geography education. It is anticipated that by having a text with a broad range of resources & media types it will be more engaging for the students, resulting in greater uptake in the form of completing the assigned readings, and, potentially, larger numbers of students in the course or program. A not-insignificant benefit for students will be a sharp reduction in the costs of mandatory materials.
In future, the text will be accompanied by an open lab manual
with exercises r
elated to human geography.