Project Archive: GLOBALMUSIX: Contemporary Music Throughout the World

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
GLOBALMUSIX: Contemporary Music Throughout the World
Subject: Music
Book Language: English
Audience: College / High school students with and without music background
Created date: June 1, 2020
Updated date: March 9, 2021
Target Release Date: 2021-05-02
• Attribution
• Non-Commercial
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• Accessibility Reviewers
• Formatters
• Editors
GlobalMusix: Contemporary Music Throughout the World will contain the same rich and detailed content that the best commercially available texts offer, balanced between contemporary and traditional styles in order to make a World Music course more broadly accessible to more students. This text will be designed as a series of
learning objects
rather than a staged, directional narrative. After an introductory unit covering the musical elements and contextual analytic tools, individual topics can be ordered according to the needs of an individual instructor. The most common organization of content for world music courses focuses on specific cultures within specific regions.
based on different cultures and regions are not related to each other, and are therefore self-contained. Independent, self-contained
based on different styles, genres, and songs make up these units.

pedagogical benefit
of this type of structure for an OER lies in its flexibility; individual instructors can remix, redistribute, and retain subunits at will. This instructional design will also increase student achievement through relying on learning-centered pedagogies with a wide range of activities and active learning opportunities. The flexibility of the unit-based structure of this OER will facilitate instructor reuse and remix. It will also allow for a variety of skill-oriented, personalized activities that will be designed to engage students. Freely available internet resources facilitates our pedagogy because the web allows
crowd sharing and reusable assignments
. Assignments aligned with course objectives focusing on gathering and analyzing information will result in identifying new musical examples that can be incorporated into the curriculum. A class project aligned with course objectives focusing on connecting musical sounds to cultural context will result in essays that can be made available as course content. We will use
backwards design
based principles to align competency- based assessments and student learning outcomes while delivering content that takes into account various cultural values.

Project Management Team

Robin Armstrong,

Fran Cincotta,

Karen Rege,

Debra Lemke- Contributing Author
Linda Semu - Contributing Author
Karen Ahlquist- Editor
Barbara S. Rowell - Editor
John Hasse - Editor

The Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) initiative: OER Create Grant
Carroll Community College, Maryland

Time Line
June - July 2020: Organizational Structure, Chapter Summary, Introductory Chapter
July- August 2020: Chapter Content, Review written work
August - September 2020: Complete Chapter Drafts
October - December 2020: review and revise.
January 2021 - catch up
February through May 2021: Beta testing
Summer 2021: Revise and release

How to Get Involved:

We are looking for people to help us ensure our work is readable.
Early draft reviewers: No musical knowledge needed - we want to ensure a general education / highschool audience will understand the text.
Accessibility reviewers
Proof Readers and Copy Editors
Please email Robin Armstrong
for more information.

Measures of Success
Growing number of Adoptions
Incorporate Student contributions in subsequent editions
Exit Survey demonstrates students like the book
Course assessments demonstrates students learn successfully

Short Description:
Many colleges and universities offer music-appreciation style courses to fulfill humanities and arts general education requirements, and a course in world music increasingly fulfills this objective while offering a globally-focused and diverse curriculum. While several OER texts exist for a European-centered music appreciation course, world music OERs lack number and depth.

Additionally, traditional textbooks rarely include balanced amounts of information on both traditional and contemporary musical styles and genres, so even the choices of high-quality commercial textbooks are severely limited. Our open text book will contain the same rich and detailed content that the best commercially available texts offer, balanced between contemporary and traditional styles in order to make a World Music course more broadly accessible to more students.

  1. Welcome to the World (written Deb Lemke, sociologist)
  2. Welcome to the World’s Musix: (written by Robin Armstrong)

Chapter 1: Basic tools (written by Robin Armstrong)
Musical Elements
Music in context: The Five W’s (Who, When, Where, Why, What, How)
Relationships among the W’s

Chapter 2: Welcome to Indian Country (written by Robin Armstrong)
Introduction to North American Indigenous Cultures today:

Chapter 3: Welcome to The Continent of Africa
Ivory Coast
Central African Republic
Chapter 4: Welcome to the New World
Chapter 5: Welcome to Mexico and Central America
Chapter 6: Welcome to South Asia
Chapter 7: Welcome to China
Instructor’s Manual


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