This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
Listening to the World
Subject: Music
Book Language: English
Audience: Textbook for undergraduate, non-music majors providing a survey of different musical tradions
Book Cover:
Video: Listening to the World - YouTube
Created date: February 21, 2022
Updated date: March 2, 2022
Target Release Date: 2022-12-15
- Attribution
- Lead Authors
- Lead Editors
- Editors
Tentative Outline
MODULE 1: The Music of Africa
Chapter 1 The Geopolitics of Colonialism
Chapter 2 From Polyrhythm to Call and Response
Chapter 3 Case Study: Angola
Chapter 4 Current Trends: Global pop and Censorship
MODULE 2: African American Music
Chapter 5 The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Chapter 6 History: Ragtime, Jazz, Blues
Chapter 7 Current Trends: Art, Commerce, and the HipHop Revolution
MODULE 3: The Arab World
Chapter 8 Geopolitical Questions: What is “the Arab World”? Chapter 9 Scales, Instruments, Repertories Chapter 10 Current Trends: Music, Entertainment, and Theocracy
MODULE 4: Music of South India
Chapter 11 Indian Nationalism, Democracy, and Diversity
Chapter 12 Classical Indian Music
Chapter 13 Bollywood and the Entertainment Industry
MODULE 5: The Music of China
Chapter 14: Civilization and History in China
Chapter 15: Chinese Opera Traditions
Chapter 16: Beyond K-pop: The Worlds of C-Pop and M-Pop
Short Description:
Listen to the world. Explore music from around the globe. Acquaint yourself with a variety of international music styles and traditions. Investigate issues in popular music from both a social perspective (such as race, religion, language, economics, gender, diaspora, and politics), as well as an intrinsically musical position (beat, pitch, meter, rhythm, form, timbre, texture). Learn about how music reinforces values and negotiates tradition with innovation; how rural and urban contexts inform musical experiences; how soundscapes shape identity. Learn how to collect sounds and ask questions: what is this instrument’s name, how is it played and built; who plays it, why, and for whom? Why do all civilizations sing, play, and perform music? Like storytelling, like transcendence, spirituality, and religion,like politics and societal hierarchies shaped by taste, music is an intrinsic part of humanness. So,
listen to world
Tentative Table of Contents
The Music of Africa
Chapter 1 The Geopolitics of Colonialism
Chapter 2 From Polyrhythm to Call and Response
Chapter 3 Case Study: Angola
Chapter 4 Current Trends: Global pop and Censorship
African American Music
Chapter 5 The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Chapter 6 History: Ragtime, Jazz, Blues
Chapter 7 Current Trends: Art, Commerce, and the HipHop Revolution
The Arab World
Chapter 8 Geopolitical Questions: What is “the Arab World”?
Chapter 9 Scales, Instruments, Repertories
Chapter 10 Current Trends: Music, Entertainment, and Theocracy
Music of India
11 Indian Nationalism, Democracy, and Diversity
12 Classical Indian Music
13 Bollywood and the Entertainment Industry
The Music of China
14: Civilization and History in China
15: Chinese Opera Traditions
16: Beyond K-pop: The Worlds of C-Pop and M-Pop
- Music of Africa 1
- Music of Africa 2
- African American Music 1
- African American Music 2
- African American Music 3
- African American Music 4
- Music of the Arab World 1
- Music of the Arab World 2
- Music of India 1
- Music of India 2
- Music of China 1
- Music of China 2
- Music of China 3