This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
History Of Applied Science And Technology
Subject: History
Audience: 100-level courses around the world
Book Cover:
Created date: November 6, 2019
Updated date: September 18, 2020
- Attribution
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- Authors
This textbook is designed to to meet the needs of History of Applied Science and Technology courses at colleges and universities around the world. Chapters will be organized around the theme of the transformative impact of technological and epistemological changes on worldview and human behavior as they relate to everyday life and global choices.
The book will contain fourteen to twenty modular chapters that provide instructors with content structured around a narrative focused on human transformation across time and geographic space – from fire through the present. This number will be ideally suited for courses of eight or fifteen week durations, but chapters will be fully editable so that instructors can tailor the textbook to the needs of their own classrooms.
Authors will have the opportunity to contribute in a variety of lengths: whole chapters; sections of chapters; or brief segments about the length of an encyclopedia article. We believe that students best learn history by doing history, and our method reflects this commitment. We ask authors to emphasize critical thinking, transparency, primary sources, and argument.
Get involved by joining the discussion with the chapter/subsection name you’re interested in and a brief bio (100-250 words).
Short Description:
This textbook is designed to to meet the needs of History of Applied Science and Technology courses at colleges and universities around the world. Chapters will be organized around the theme of the transformative impact of technological and epistemological changes on worldview and human behavior as they relate to everyday life and global choices.
The book will contain 14-20 chapters that provide instructors with content structured around a narrative focused on human transformation across time and geographic space – from fire through the present. This number will be ideally suited for courses of 8 or 15 week durations, but chapters will be fully editable so that instructors can tailor the textbook to their class needs.
Authors will have the opportunity to contribute in a variety of lengths: whole chapters; sections of chapters; or brief segments about the length of an encyclopedia article. We believe that students best learn history by doing
, & our method reflects this commitment.
Classical Period (500 BCE to 500 CE) – Asia
Classical Period (500 BCE to 500 CE) – Africa and the Americas
The Medieval Period (500 to 1400 CE) – The Golden Age of Islam
The Medieval Period (500 to 1400 CE) – Europe
- Author Guide
- Call for Authors
- HAST Claimed and Open Sections
- Précis OA History of Science and Technology Updated