Project Archive: Photography: What, How, Why

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
Photography: What, How, Why
Subject: Art
Book Language: English
Audience: college students and photo instructors
Book Cover:
Created date: February 22, 2022
Updated date: June 28, 2022
Target Release Date: 2022-08-29
• Attribution
• Non-Commercial
This online book will cover aspects of photography and lens-based art. Students will learn to operate film cameras to understand the basic principles of the medium. Black and white darkroom techniques will be demonstrated through video and text.
By providing robust instruction on photo techniques through photo, video, and text, we will be able to improve engagement and accessibility, even under circumstances where lab access may be difficult. Material covering the history, themes, and genres of photography will be inclusive of artists and issues typically excluded from other published learning materials. This OER will be created with future adaptability in mind to ensure a continued impact on students pursuing art at CCNY.

Short Description:
This online book will cover aspects of photography and lens-based art. Students will learn to operate film cameras to understand the basic principles of the medium. Black and white darkroom techniques will be demonstrated through video and text.
