Session 1: Introductions

Hello everyone,
My name is Trudy, and I am an Assistant Professor at Southern University College of Nursing and Allied Health. I have more than 18 years of teaching experience in undergrad, graduate and LPN instruction. Currently, I have been assigned to the IV therapy team and look forward to learning more about the OER program and collaborating with my team members in creating IV therapy assessable resources.

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Hello everyone,
My name is LaTonya Dorsey and I am the Associate Dean of Nursing and Associate Professor at Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University (FranU). I have 20 years of teaching experience in undergraduate education. This is my first time participating in the OER program and I’m excited to learn more about it and work with colleagues in creating IV Therapy resources.

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Hi all,
Colette Baudoin here. I am faculty at LSUHSC-New Orleans and looking forward to working with all of you in the upcoming months.

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Hi all,

I’m Jessica Hawkes. I am the Government Information Librarian at Nicholls State University. I am the Cohort Leader for the Food safety and Sanitation group. This is my third time participating in this project as a cohort leader. Additionally, based on my experience working in these projects, my colleagues and I from my previous institution, LSUS, actually authored an OER for academic integrity and plagiarism.

I’m excited to once again be able to participate in this project and be a part of the Open Education community.

Hello everyone,
My name is Latasha. I currently work at ULM as an Assistant Professor of Nursing. Before joining ULM, I worked as the Practical Nursing Program Director/Coordinator at LDCC. I have been working in healthcare for fifteen years, with the last three years spent in nursing education, a role that is very important to me. I am thrilled to be part of this project. This will be my first time participating in the OER program, and I am eager to meet everyone and learn more about this program.


Hello, I am Kissley Booker APRN, DNP-C. So many new, exciting opportunities have been presented to me as I seek professionalism, growth, and leadership in my career path. I look forward to collaborating with my team, learning from others, and giving back what I have to offer to future nurses. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to working towards the vision of the OER program.


Hello everyone. I am Becca Dauzat. I am an assistant professor of Nursing and Louisiana State University at Alexandria. I have been in my current position for about 2 years.

For this project, I am an information expert for the IV therapy cohort. My goal for this project is to get acquainted with OER and to develop a fun, interactive, and positive product that can be used by many.

Thank you for this opportunity.

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Hello, all - I am Debbie Huntington and am Head of Collection Development and Cataloging at Northwestern State University.

I am one of the Librarian Cohort leaders for Introduction to Practical Nursing along with Amelia Brister. This is my first time participating in a project like this, but I am very excited and look forward to all the knowledge, new skill sets, and collaborations that this opportunity will provide.

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Hello, everyone! I am Anna Tapia MacDonald, Head of Information Literacy, Library Instruction, & Reference at Northwestern State University. I am one of the Librarian Cohort leaders for Medical Surgery II. This is my first time working on an OER textbook, but I am excited to be a part of a community with many talented individuals. My dream goal is to have our textbook adopted across the state!


Good afternoon, my name is Alva Renee Millican from Southern University and A&M College, College of Nursing and Allied Health. I currently teach the Orientation to Health Science and Nursing course and am an adjunct professor in Computer Science. I look forward to collaborating and working with the OER course development in the section with my cohorts. I am somewhat familiar with OER courses, but am looking forward to learning more.

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Hello, I am Jessica Mouton, the Technical Services Librarian for Fletcher and the co-cohort leader for the Introduction to Health Professions. This is my first time working with Rebus and OER, so I am excited to work with everyone!

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Li Ma, associate professor of microbiology from Northwestern State University of Louisiana. I am new to OER but happy to be part of it.

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Dear colleagues, my name is Illya Tietzel. I am professor of Biology at SUNO for 16 years. I am teaching microbiology, immunology, biology, molecular biology to science majors and nursing majors. I am passionate about microbiology, immunology, health equity and mentoring.

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Hi. My name is Adronisha Frazier. I am the Natural Science Department Chair at Northshore Technical Community College and assistant professor of biology. I teach general and introductory biology lecture and labs, environmental biology lecture, and medical microbiology lecture and lab. Because of our hardworking NTCC biology faculty, all biology lectures and labs use OERs!! I am the cohort leader for the Microbiology for Nursing/Allied Health (lecture and lab) cohort. I am excited to collaborate with my colleagues and support their vision for this project.

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Hello everyone! My name is Leigh Hanhart and I’m a Nursing Professor with Delgado Community College/Charity School of Nursing in New Orleans. I have taught in the Nursing Division for 15 years now and this is my first OER project. I look forward to learning more about this process as I “flipped” my classroom approximately five years ago with great success. I’m excited to learn of new and alternative means to help better serve our students and thereby our community.

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Hello Everyone!
My name is Colton Wiggins. I am a subject matter expert in the fields of Respiratory Therapy & Polysomnographic (Sleep) Technology. Currently, I serve as the Program Director for the Sleep Technology program at Southern University at Shreveport. As well as a member of the curriculum committee & faculty senate as the Treasurer. My educational background consist of a Master’s of science degree in Management & Leadership, & a BBA with a focus in Healthcare Management.

My goal for this project is learn how to develop a OER that is user-friendly & informative. With the subsequent goal of creating my own for the field of sleep medicine.

Looking forward to a great project with you all! CW

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I’m Sabrina Palmer, RN from Louisiana Delta Community College. I practiced as a nurse for several years and then started my journey in higher education in 2020 as a Practical Nursing instructor. I am passionate about nursing, teaching, and making a difference.
Our program is a Technical Diploma and we serve populations of students that would highly benefit from OER materials. I am excited to be a part of this and see how the process unfolds.
I feel like not only is this a service to my community and students, but I firmly believe that I will get personal benefit from participating in a project of this scale.
Nice to meet you all. I can’t wait to see all the end results!

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Hello, everyone! Please excuse my late post. My name is Chelsey Shannon and I’m a co-cohort leader for the Introduction to Health Professions project. This is my first time working on the OER project, and I’m very excited to grow my project management skills, connect with my cohort, learn more about open access publishing, and ultimately be part of creating a useful, accessible textbook.

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Hello everyone!
My name is Samantha Summers and I’m an RN and faculty instructor with FranU in Baton Rouge. My Masters’ is in Executive Nursing, and I practiced as a nurse for over 15 years before moving into academia at the beginning of 2020 (just in time to have a crash course as a new educator with Covid hitting). I also have some experience as a line editor and hold a notary commission.

I look forward to working on this project. I feel it is a great cause and will help a huge number a people with the cost of textbooks be able to afford courses that may have been an issue before.


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Hello All,
My name is Tonya Gauna and I currently teach Nursing Microbiology at Louisiana State University. I also taught the majors Micro for 5 years before transitioning to the non-majors. I have been a nurse for 31 years and find that my experiences help in the classroom. Prior to LSU, I taught at Bunkie Magnet High School in Bunkie, LA. I taught all science and medical related courses.

I am very excited about this new challenge that I am a part of . Technology is not my forte so not only am I getting to work with some of the best in the business developing a resource to benefit students, I am getting to learn some new and exciting things!

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