After this meeting, we will hit a major milestone in TSP: this is session 12 and with it, we have completed the curriculum phase! We hope that as we worked through our intensive sessions in the last year with you, the curriculum has helped you gain clarity on what open publishing entails and all the innovative possibilities it holds for your teaching practice.
This session saw us do a few different things. We revisited the key takeaways of the curriculum, created spaces for reflection, clarified expectations, and did some goal setting work.
The first part of this session is dedicated to wrapping up. In the second part of the session, we will look ahead to next steps. Finally, we will add a post to this forum with a visual that best represents your OER experience so far.
It’s been wonderful working with you, and l look forward to supporting you going forward as well. Please note that our next session will happen on March 21th at 10:30. That is a check-in meeting, so please bring an update on your progress. Our final meeting will be on April 11th at 10:30 a.m. before your final contract deliverables are due for this phase.
By April 30th, you will submit to LOUIS, 75% of the course materials as benchmarked on your TOCs and at least one chapter/module formatted in Pressbooks/Moodle. Many of you are far beyond this point, so just keep going!
Hi Tasha,
I was not able to attend the meeting Friday and was hoping you could share the recording link with me. It is not on the Events and Milestones document yet.
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Sure, Karen. I will ask Amelia. The account is run through LOUIS, so I do not have access to the files. You could also get the information part of the meeting from the Monday recording.
Please find a picture that helps you articulate your learning experience in the program. Post the picture to the Session 12 thread on the discussion board.
This is an image of a bottle breaking, but I imagine it as pieces of glass flying together to form a bottle. To me, the process so far has been taking a lot of little pieces and putting them together to form a recognizable image. What’s left is to fill in the gaps.
This image with the balled-up paper makes me think about how you have to edit, edit, edit…think and rethink and just when you think you got it…start all over again!
This picture reminds me of the end goal: to help people achieve their learning goals. It also reminds me that we are learning as well as the students we teach.
I chose this image because it showcases a brainstorming session centered around Open Educational Resources (OER) and student-driven learning. The sticky notes highlight various hands-on, and project-based learning ideas.
Sad but true! One of my major research professors told us: "The hardest thing about writing is actually starting a document - so don’t start (formally), just write. That makes beginning easy! However… then you face the arduous task of putting things where they actually belong. [ Either way, it’s a ‘pick your poison’ situation.