TSP CREATE Cohort Session Zoom recordings

Dear all in the @feb22c-cohort ,

The recordings of the weekly sessions in Phase 1 will be hosted in a Canvas course for you, which you can access via this login link.The course has been created by the ROTEL Open Textbook Coordinating Council (OTCC), so if you need help, please reach out to the ROTEL OER Coordinator, @BAmbos.

Kind regards to all,

@BAmbos — Can you help @bjpead, @dbuckley, and Deirdre Budzyna log into Canvas and get access to this space?

Yes @apurva , I will double check that @bjpead, @dbuckley and @dbudzyna were invited, and resend the instructions, and invite, if needed. Thanks.

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Hi @feb22c-cohort,

May I add some clarification? The ROTEL Grant’s Open Textbook Coordinating Council (OTCC) created a Canvas course to share OER resources. The purpose of this Canvas course is to serve as a repository of information. It will include recordings of Rebus webinars and Textbook Success Program(TSP) meetings as well as supplementary content that you may use as needed. Its aim is not to duplicate any of Rebus’ resources, though links to some open resources may appear in both places. I can help you with accessing it, if you need assistance. It’s not the same canvas account as your institution.

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I was able to log on. Thank you!

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Thanks for the additional information and clarification!

Hey, @BAmbos, could you also make sure @cgardnerburns is able to log in to the Canvas site?

Hi @apurva The invite to the ROTEL Canvas site for @cgardnerburns is still pending. I can resend an invitation and the instructions, if that helps.
A long morning this morning, but great information.

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@apurva and @stashjian – Also— I posted the chat.txt and the transcription for today. I think those would be helpful in the future, too. I have only been receiving the .mp4 file.
BarbaraA @BAmbos

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Thanks, Barbara! I’ll let you and Christina coordinate once she gets a chance to review the invitation. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! We usually encourage saving the chat transcripts as well, as these can be chock-full of resources, conversation, etc. that participants may want to refer back to.